Natalie Hood, the sweetest little girl ever!! Please keep her in your prayers!Roses Unread is a band out of Brownsville, TN consisting of guitarist John "Mole" Dahlhauser, vocalist Allison Teague, who has been in previous bands such as selphmaid ( and From All the Rest (, as well as drummer John Leek. Recently added to the band is bass player Jordan Shempert from Ripley, TN and John "Crickle" Purifoy from Marion, Arkansas on guitar who played in the band Vysion. The band’s previous name was BlackLace, but there were complications with the name because it belonged to a band from overseas that was signed, so it had to be changed. It took the band quite a few weeks to come up with a new name to suit them, but finally came to the agreement of Roses Unread. The band has been going strong for about a year and continues to keep on.
Together these five mix together a unique sound of their own. Their heavy guitar riffs, bass licks, and aggressive drumbeats take on a melodic twist that combines into something different that makes you want to listen. The band is looking to record in the near future and is also looking for shows to play.NEW MUSIC IS FINALLY HERE!
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