Evan profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Relevant facts:- I believe that I have progressive hearing loss from attending too many punk shows.- I was going to get my PhD in anthropology, but then decided that that was a terrible idea. Sadly the tech bubble burst before I came to this conclusion. I missed my chance.- I am in an improv troupe, but many friends and associates who have never seen me perform (and even some who have) think this means I do stand-up. I don't. I'd be very bad at it, in fact.- I like watching hockey and I'm not afraid to admit it.- I should have been a tropical meteorologist or a seismologist.- I have never owned a car.- As a child, I always fared poorly on the color blindness tests we had to take every year. And every year the school nurse had to gently break the news to me that I would never have a career spotting numbers hidden in like-colored clusters of circles. I never cried once at this devastating revelation.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You should: have at least two really dorky subjects that fascinate you to the point of social retardation; appreciate the healing power of biting sarcasm; read stuff, like food (will cook for female audiences), etc.Oh, one more thing. I know that there may be nice people out there who are conservatives, but I probably shouldn't meet you because we're going to fight a lot because I'm liberal and your president is a complete fucking moron.

My Blog

OK, So now I blog here

Posted by on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 13:06:00 GMT

Where I Blog.

Posted by on Tue, 16 May 2006 14:57:00 GMT