bein' a cornball with my girlfriend Stella, photography, writing, music, spending time with friends, bikes, motorcycles, and boats, creating and restoring stuff, studying history, apologetics, law, drinkin franziskaner dunkel and high life, notre dame, asu, and cleveland browns football, making an ass out of myself (but trying) on the dancefloor, reading, and making life matter to myself and those i care about.
your meat
the smiths, the police, radiohead, jawbreaker, starflyer 59, jtb, mos def, black flag, tom waits, buzzcocks, new order, joy division, matthew sweet, the specials, willie nelson, johnny cash, van halen, weezer, they might be giants, flaming lips, wilco, local stuff, Nas (nasty nas es primero), pe, erik b and rakim, wu-tang, EPMD, BDP.
westerns, leone, anderson, tarantino, dean, mcqueen, vaughan, fisher king, the bear, fistful of yen/ fistful of dollars, st. of fort washington, MY bodyguard (not The bodyguard- costner sucks) brother sun/sister moon, 7th Seal (Bergman), reunion, ghost world, east of eden, 21 grams, human nature, repo man, the prime gig, pretty in pink, love the hard way, the believer, documentaries, evil dead 2, freaks (scariest movie ever), blah-blah-blah
kerouac, theology, history, steinbeck, tolstoy. and as unsophisticated as they may be, i'm a sucker for Max Brand and Louis L'Amour books.
my dad, Gil the Panda, Francis of Assisi, Sub. Marcos, ALL BLACK MARKET PANDAS, George Mallory, Savonarola (look him up), JK, Cartier-Bresson, Harvey Caplin, Antonio Turok, RICKY POWELL!, Gary Busey, edward gorey, antonio canova, bukowski, kerouac. "I sought in all the sciences but, far from finding what I wanted, became convinced that all who like myself had sought in knowledge for the meaning of life had found nothing." - Tolstoy. "No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women." - Ronald Reagan