Sqwooshy wooshy wooo
I am the father of
Anna Nicoles baby.
I am gang*star <[i>get it right]
I am the coolest bitch you'll ever know
I am selfish
I am a huge bitch all the time
I am always dancing
I am a loser, nerd, dork, geek, faggot, bitch, etc.
I am going to do something and be someone in life
I am hyper,sad,happy,depressed,pissed,upset,etc.
<[i>because we all have E M O tions]
I am not emo,goth,punk,skater,wigger,etc.
<[i>I am M E..K a t i e]
I hate your ignorance
I love to listen to the worlds contradictions
Then point them out, and be a
The world DOES revolve around me
I could be looked at as a normal standard teenager..
but your eyes would be lying
*We are all candy covered on the oustide
peal away the shell
and we're rotten on the inside*
I like to be myself, but my appearance makes me seem
just a bit happier than I am
I could try to pour my heart out
into you're drink
But you'd swallow them up and piss them out
I'll stand by and watch the world die
and wait for you to come ask for help
Laugh at my mistakes
but I'll be punching you in the face
Call me every name you can think of
and pay close attention to my face
cuzz it won't change a bit
[unless I'm laughing at how lame you are]
Myspace.. yea I hate it
That's why I have this account,
That's why I am taking the time to waste your time
But you're just to cliche' to speak up
for your own self pitty
And when I cry
the tears aren't for you
they're for your stupidity
I'll put a smile on and laugh all day
not because I'm happy..
but because you're ignorant
Let's get the straight
I do n't think your dumb
because you didn't understand that.
maybe I'm to selfish to realize how much I suck
but I know I don't suck as much as you
yea.. I'm a bitch but if all you
assholes didn't break me apart
so many fucking times..
I'd be the nicest person you knew
Yea I'm too emotional..
and too fucking sensative
but if you knew how to treat someone right
I wouldn't have to be so emotional
I'm not a mean person [until you make me get mean]
I really do have love for everyone
I'm hyper and crazy
too bad the pills got flushed
I'm not egotistical
I just know I'm right
I'm a contradiction that the world
hasn't figured out
I'm to fabulous
that the world has to have
a daily hour upgrade
My life takes speed
Your life is lagging behind me
high speed.. dial up
we just don't click
Oh and for every nigger
that decides to add me
but never talks to me..
get O V E R your S E L F
oh and one last thing
Myspace.. is just a huge popularity test
and eventually I'll win
and your pathetic little
L I f E
will be o v e r