I want to learn and grow and change, every day of my life. I love to be happy, duh. I love my nephews more than anything, and my siblings run a close second! Music and dancing keep me alive. I have changed my life totally around more than once, in more than one way. I have an innie that used to be an outie. I like to work cause I hate asking for things. If you don't watch your plate I will snag the best thing off of it. I am guaranteed to have at least one piece of fruit in my purse at any given time. I have the friends that are all super, lovely and amazing. I've never had a nickname, but always wanted one (and I don't consider Miss Kelly a nickname) I hate fighting and confrontation. I love art, but I'm NOT an artist. I'm always driving and off to somewhere. I feel that granola is grrrreat. Green is my favorite color....Irish green, but whenever I see red I'm like.."hhmmm, is that my favorite color?" Christmas makes me happy. I'm a Chevy girl. Definitely Yankees over Mets! I'll pretty much do anything for ya. I love to love. href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2
9tL2ltYWdlcy9hcHBsZQ==" target="_blank">