the love of exploring the unknown, art- in all forms, the sound of music, culture, writing, travelling..I can't live content knowing there are so many places that I haven't discovered yet...
Music is my door to the a form of reality that is simply and beautifully undefined.. Music is music- no matter the difference in genre.. I listen to music that soothes the soul, that awakens the that sets me that makes me think...reminisce, rebel and believe! what are we without the sound of it..?
This is no comes from the bottom of my heart, and the depths of my soul- My God above and here below on earth, Jesus Christ; My pa and ma..the strongest and loving people I know; Nelson Mandela- he paved the way for Africans today, tomorrow, and many years to come; My country, Uganda and its amazing people- we have come a long way...No one else will ever know..; My grandmothers, rest in peace- Abwooli Kezia and Akiiki. You are forever alive :) Kanye West, for speaking out when no one could. Go brotha!; MJB- what a woman! You weren't playing when you said 'no more drama'. Its all gone now..only moving forward; Martin Luther King- the father of HOPE and PEACE. Thank you for what you did and have done..