We at LowRider Tattoo take pride in our work, we are constantly bettering ourselves through constant practice. It is expected from all of us to improve our skills so that we can be a positive addition to our studio, which has reached the highest of attributes. It takes a whole lot of work and effort but with the collaboration of the whole LowRider Family we stand strong.player
Now I would especilly like to thank Jose Lopez for all his continued support. It is because of him that i am fortunate enough to be able to meet some really important role models from this industry. Persons like, Brian Everett, Tony Olivas, Jack Rudy, Bob Tyrell, Troy, Tramp, and Marshall Bennett all of which i know are a major influence in taking tattooing to where it is now, In the Mainstream. Thank all of you for helping to pave the road which i am now working on.I would like to take some time to thank all of the people who have helped me, It is through you that I have seen what a beautiful industry the Tattoo community is. Roman from Artistic Element, Klown from Lifestyles, Goethe from prehispnic images and so many others that I did not mention, you know who you are Thank You
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I would personally like to thank the thousands of people that support us daily, by visiting us at our studio either personally or with their emails, messages, or comments. We very much appreciate every single one of you, for you are the driving force that makes us strive so hard.
Your friend and artist Loko T