validation junkie profile picture

validation junkie

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me


My favorite smell in the entire world is that instant when it's hot out and the rain hits the ground and you start to see steam rise. I love running in the rain and yet I'm afraid of thunderstorms and no matter what you say, I will never get turned on by them. My greatest fear is when I'm looking at myself in the mirror and my eyes meet someone else's eyes in the mirror. (maybe it's some sort of spooky Native American thing from a past life). Sometimes when I am driving I pretend like I'm a race car driver. Speaking of, my Audi convertible is named Sir Winston, after Churchill. I'm incredibly opinionated but as long as you don't disrespect mine I think a differing opinion supported by a strong case is sexier than just going along with mine. I laugh REALLY loud at romantic comedies and secretly love to watch them. (and like to draw parallels between my life and what I'm watching). My mother is the most important person in my entire life and she pointed out to me when I was young that no one, not even the directors of Mad About You ever laughed so hard at an episode. The last time I cried at a movie was the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast when I was in 2nd grade at a movie theater in the middle of Florida. I don't eat meat because I am just as sad when I hear a dog is killed in a car accident as I do when a person is. I think a smile and nice eyes can make anyone attractive and are two of the most beautiful things in life besides a laughing baby. (which happens to be another of my favorite things). I trust implicitly when I first get to know someone and the first time that is betrayed I never seem to forget it. My picture (on here) was taken this Halloween when I went down to visit my best friend and we went to a party dressed as a male and female version of Tom Cruise in Risky Business. When I grow up I secretly want to be a model but only for the sole purpose of being able to support being a professional student so I can just go to college for the rest of my life. There is nothing more valuable than knowledge. I actually do believe in the sand beneath my toes from growing up on the beach, unlike those wannabes who just say they do. I hate when people say "I want to kill myself" just for effect because one of the most important people ever to have lived did. (to me anyway). Apparently I call too many people my "best friend". I'm really good at hurting people's feelings when I'm pushed into a corner. When I leave from a fantastic night out on the town I usually come "unraveled" on the way home. I'm half only child/half youngest. I'm obsessed with eating healthy. I love to run, sing, and dance. I never cry, well much less than you would ever assume by meeting me. And I don't think there is anything greater in this world better than a laugh and a smile caused by genuine happiness.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had: a noble companion (yes that Bronte speak). a stable mental state. someone to care of all of my finances. a music career.Name Four Scents You Love: the smell of blacktop steam when it first starts to rain. women's light blue by Dolce and Gabbana. the kitchen at my parents house when my mom is making dinner. Cape Cod Canal from the top of the Bridge(s).What is your current relationship status? utterly unattached. seriously, I'm fine.What is your sexual orientation? Keeping my fly zipped up.What sort of people do you like, as far as what their interests are in life? People who like themselves deserve my attention. Not arrogant or overconfident, just someone who is comfortable in their own skin. Ain't nothing sexier. Be an individual, and NOT doing what everyone else is doing is NOT being an individual. Especially when EVERYONE wants to do it.What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? Put your hands up like you are pretending to take a picture, now put your index fingers on your eyebrows and your thumbs just below your lower lip. My answer to this question? I live in "here". Eyes and mouth/smile. They can tell you everything about a person. No literally they are our verbal and non-verbal communicators which is what I find most attractive in a person.What kind of fashion-sense attracts you? Americana. orrrr something I haven't seen overdone yet.What kind of hair style do you find attractive on a potential mate? Not bic-ed, geeze I know. Not shoulder length but just about anything in between.What is the usual age range you look at? I either need to be older or younger. Haha. No I mean in terms of age, I either need to be the older wiser man, or the fresh young pup. Same age doesn't really work for me.What traits turn you off? Generally, being rude. If Stephanie Tanner could say HOW RUDE to you, chances are I don't really feel like speaking to you either.Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? Well I think there is a third possibility. It's called being super picky and THEN falling into a monogamous relationship. I've done neither of these two for YEARS.Are you afraid to ask people out on dates? Only if I know you. haha. how pathetic am I?If you're single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Ask me again in hour and I will most assuredly give you a different answer. Meaning yeah, sure, of course I do. But I don't let it affect my life or happiness in anyway. I've got friends to share the good times with.What are the positive points about being single? Going out, having a good time. Being a flirt and not feeling guilty about it. Not ever needing to plan in advance.What are the negative points about being single? Going out too much and not taking a breather. Not being able to use a single romantic bone in my body, which is all of them. Not having order to me life. haha. it's all about the yin and yang baby.When single, do you often find yourself longing for companionship? I guess is either longing or looking, but never both.How well do you handle rejection? Have you met me? Hence this being the summer of, "I'm not a player I just crush a lot".Do you miss your last sweetie? Define sweetie. Every ex that I care about still has a prominent role in my life. Wow, I JUST realized that and I should be pretty happy with that fact.Do you think it's better to look for love or let it find you? My senior quote in high school was "patience is a virtue". Ask anyone I'm with when we go out if I actually have any.What's the longest relationship you've ever been in? off and on for 6 and a half years. We're a little Will and Grace-y now. hahahaha.The shortest? See, that doesn't really exists for me either. What makes what a relationship?Do you think couples should spend a very large amount of time together or space things out a tad? I think they should do what's right for them as a couple. However, don't become a bad friend by ignoring the people who took care of you every time you drunkenly cried on the way home from the club during Pride week that you hate being single. hahahahahha. What a hoot.Have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment? I think we all play a little of that "I want I want I want- oh you want me? Never mind." game. I hate myself for it every time. But no, I only want a relationship if it's going to be for keeps.When involved with a person, do you try to think about the here and now or do you often think of the future? I still know what I'm naming my four children and how far apart they are in age. A boy, Bailey Colin- "Bay", three years later twin girls- Courtney Marina and Quinn Marie- "Court" and "Quinnie", and three years after that a baby boy, Gavin MacKenzie- "little Mac". So no, I don't think about the future at all. Oh yeah and after conquering corporate retail I'm going to be a stay at home Dad and write my own love story like out of the Notebook. Just with a little twist. haha.How do you prefer to handle disagreements? When we're dating? Usually by fake pouting until I get an appology or holding it in until I wasted and spewing out business all over the street corner. Oh you mean the mature way I do it? usually some grandiose apologetic gesture involving me making a joke of some kind that you HATE and love all at the same instant. And then we kiss. Hard.How do you feel when your mate is mad at you and won't tell you why? Again, pouting or spewing..Do you have a crush right now? Do they know? Do I have a crush right now? Call Rugby right now and ask? And if they knew I wouldn't have a clue. I actually can never tell when someone else is interested in me. It's more like one of my bfs telling me that one of my other bf's friend does. I know my facebook status should be it's complicated with: life.What's the longest period of time you've ever had a crush? Before Xing it out? Maybe four years?Have you ever confessed your feelings to a crush? Almost never, I make it obvious, or what I think is obvious, but I never actually come forward.Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? Call Rugby. hahahahahahhahah. Yes I tell EVERYONE but the person, especially when I'm wasted. Or when I have my iPhone with me. Which is always. Even in the tanning booth. At the gym.Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Those who have, I usually give a fair shot to for the reason that they've got the balls to do so. I'm always to chicken to do it myself. However BECAUSE of this, generally they find it amusing to make me make the first move. We're talking total squirmage here.How do you feel about long-distance relationships? I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. - If you both want it to work and it was meant to work it will work.Have you ever pined for someone when you're not around them? Talk to any of my friends. Sweet Lord, what has become of my life?Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? It would depend on how the child and I got along more than anything.Would you get involved with someone if they were previously married? I think that's an interesting question, presumably meant to be answered by someone who was straight but I'm going to do it anyway. It would depend on the length of the marriage. I.e. if it was too short then why would I see myself marrying someone who makes such an irrational decision, and why date someone I wouldn't want to marry? Yeah, I'm intense. Shouldn't I be like 30something instead of 22? Oh right, because I had better be married with some of the kids driving to drop off my second book at the publishers in my G Wagon by my mid 30s.How big of an issue is religion to your compatibility? Don't ever question my religiousness. We can have different religions, in fact more power to you. Just don't insult me for have strong religious convictions.How big of an issue to you is your mate's ethnicity? Can't say. It's never actually been an option in front of me to gauge a feeling on.In a potential mate, how important is intelligence to you? Second only to being able to communicate. But there are different types of intelligence, factual, emotional, sensical, social. Can we have a conversation over dinner? Can you meet my parents and impress them? Can you hold a steady job and communicate easily with my own superiors? Then you're golden.In a potential mate, how important is a sense of humor to you? Chances are if you don't find me hilarious then we're never going to work out. No seriously.What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? Sweet words, more so than anything else. Seeing a person interact with their won family, or their own version of one.What's the first thing you look at when you look at someone you're attracted to? Well if I'm lookin at 'em I find them attractive don't I? I guess I look to see their smile.How important are the looks of a mate's face to you? "I live in here", member?How important are the looks of a mate's body to you? It's no deal breaker. It's more about you being ok with your body and mine.When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? Never and always. Aka, only when we both know it's going to happen and then know they are going to make me do it. Otherwise I still sort of never know if they want to so they usually get bored of waiting for me to make the move.Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren't seriously involved with? Every Thursday night for a few years. haha. Not much after that since I graduated college.Were you single at the time? yes. I do NOT believe in cheating. of any kind. ever.What are your ticklish areas? All you need to do is desensitize the area so you are no longer ticklish. Yes I know SUCH a buzz kill sometimes.What do you most like about making out? everything, I think.Are you a virgin? errrrrrt. clearly not.If not, would you consider your first time to have been a good one? Pure beauty. Oh yeah and I looked at the clock and went YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! When I realized how much time had elapsed. Oh high school.How old were you when you lost your virginity? 17Have you ever had sex with someone you loved? I will only sleep with someone if I love them.Have you ever turned down an offer for sex? I gave up sex almost two years ago. I make that pretty clear early enough on that offers don't necessarily ensue. But yes there have been some brain dead meat heads who still think that doesn't mean them.How much do you think sex changes a relationship? Anyone who says sex changes everything is a fallacy is a liar. Because it does change a relationship, every aspect of it.On a scale from 1 to 10 [10 being the highest] how would you rate your sexual attractiveness? I don't think I have the slightest bit of sex appeal. I only do sexy when it's goofy. Who ACTUALLY answers this question?On a scale from 1 to 10 [10 being highest] How do you feel about casual sex? negative infinity. Am I making it clear enough?Would you stay with a lover if the love stopped but the sex was still enjoyable? I hope to God this is never a real possibility. Can I even answer this question? I guess I'd say no, and then go off into solitude for quite some time.Would you stay with a lover if the sex stopped/got boring but there was still love? Yes. If you're good at it at all you can make it interesting.Do you believe in love? I believe in every kind of love. All you need is love, Ewan McGregor style.Do you believe in love at first sight? I haven't experienced it so I don't want to take it away from someone who believes they have. Don't you love your own child the first second you see it?Has someone ever told you they loved you? Yes. I need to hear it sometimes.Have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it? I tell someone I love that I love them everyday. It keeps me healthy.Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? Open-ended relationships do not exists. If it is open ended it is not a relationship.Have you ever been married? No. But I absolutely will be some day.How do you feel about marriage? It's not for everybody, but I'm an old soul and believe in the beauty and power of it.Do you plan on having children someday? Hi duh. You can already picture them sailing around a yacht in P-town.Have you ever had your heart broken? Panic attacks feel better than that.Have you ever been dumped? I don't think you could call it dumping.Have you ever dumped someone? I suppose.Has a romantic companion ever made you cry? More so than I deserved at the time, but now I acknowledge it was necessary.Have you ever made a romantic companion cry? Yup. Have you met Heather? haha. I try very hard not to be a douche in a relationship though.Have you ever had an emotional pain so bad it made you sick or physically hurt? Yes and then my parents bought me a gym membership saying "we don't want to see you let yourself go"Have you ever been unfaithful? I've had someone grab me and kiss me and I've been so drunk that there was reaction time. But that was once, when I was a child, and I fessed up to it immediately.Have you ever been cheated on? Not that I concretely know of, but I had my speculations.Have you ever learned an important lesson as a result of a break up? Every time.Have you ever gotten back together with someone after breaking up? That's what off and on means. haha.Do you believe there's hope for people after they get back together or do you think the same problems that caused the initial break up will resurface? I think if it's true romantic love then it will eventually work. What and f-ing idealist I am.Have you ever broken up with someone and remained friends afterward? It took time, but it happened.Have you ever broken up with someone and become bitter enemies? One of us is usually bitter but not the other.If so, did you ever made amends? With some.Have you ever broken up with someone and lost touch? I've ended communication.Do you ever check up on old flames without actually contacting them? it's called face stalking or simply the 'book.If you've ever lost touch or went sour with someone you loved, how did it make you feel? I don't know. this is the worlds longest survey and I'm tired of typing. It made me feel unhealthy. Ok therapist survey thing? Wait, what a terrible note to end on. Ok, that was much better.

My Blog

boring, I know

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:TeeJBirthday:8/11/85Birthplace:Cape Cod HospitalCurrent Location:Yarmouth Port/ WorecesterEye Color:HazelHair Color:Dark BrownHeight:5'11"Right Handed or Left H...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Jun 2005 09:27:00 GMT

I was No. 1 the day I was born

Shout- tears for fears was No.1 on aug 11 and in the motherland it was get into the groove-madonna However, on my eighteenth birthday (my life themsongs) it was Crazy In love- beyonce, and in eng. Br...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:09:00 GMT

I was honestly expecting it to be higher...

I am 81% Metrosexual..Well, arent I fancy? Mr. Fancy Pants! People think I am very stylish& and gay. They may be right on both counts. But dont mind them, the ladies love me, and so do I!Take theMet...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 21:41:00 GMT

I bet seth cohen got the same thing....

Your Superhero Persona by couplandesqueYour NameSuperhero NameThe ArmadilloSuper PowerGhetto BootyEnemyClear ChannelMode Of TransportationScooterWeaponVinyl RecordsQuiz created with MemeGen!
Posted by on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 20:01:00 GMT

I knew it!

Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"Tender KissThe tender kiss is the feeling where you can be anywhere and show your feelings.
Posted by on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 19:57:00 GMT