(¯`·._.·[siMpLy mEeH]·._.·´¯) profile picture

(¯`·._.·[siMpLy mEeH]·._.·´¯)

I am here for Friends

About Me

aiGhT.. jAz caLL mEeH yHaNg.. 'am 5'4 fULL fLiP eN aS aDaH pEeP wAs sAyiN' tOo sExY n hOt..wiNk*.. 'aM jAz a tYp!caL s!MpLe ghUrL hU eNjOyZ L!fe 2 D fuLLeSt.. sWiT ghUrL eN vErY dOwN 2 eArTh eN tOtfUL... gUd aDv!sOr weN iT cOmEz 2 LuV pRoBz... i LyK mAk!N' pPoL LaUgH ;p cOz 'aM hAPi pErSoN... 1gHUrL eVeRy1 wULd LoVe 2 h8, aNy gUy wULd LuV 2 mEeT.. jAz jOk!n'.. oFtEn tHoUgHt aS sNoB n mAaRtE bUt oNcE u gEt aLoNg w!D mEeH pEePz i bEt u wOuLd tEL mEeH dAt aM kALoG...cOz 'aM a tYpE oF ghUrL wHoSe fUn 2B w!D, sUm1 hU cAn L!gHt u uP weN uR dOwN... "tHiNgZ I LyK eN LuV" i LuV 2 cOoKeD cOz iT mAkE mEeH cHaLLeNgE.. ;p LuV 2 pOsE oVaH mAh cUtiE cELLfOnE wiD cAm n yEaH i LuV 2 sHoPpEd n cHeCk tHoSe nEw sExY n hOt sTuFfEd oUtF!t.. weLL !t'S oBv!OuS hUh?! i LuV bE!n' wiD mAh hOnEy 'cOz hE mAkEs mEeH hApi eVeRy s!NgLe sEcOnDs.. dAtZ y i LuV hiM iN a vErY sPeC!aL wAy... ha3 !NsEcUrE kA nA2mAn b hUh?! w!nK* i L!kE hAnG!n' aRoUnD n kiCkiN' bAcK wiD mAh fWeNz.. "tHiNgz I h8" i h8 tHoSe ghUrLs hU LuVz fLiRtiN' w!d a gUy, ghUrLs hU cAn'T L!vE wiD oUt gUyZ eSpEc!aLLy 2 tHoSe biTcHeS hU r nOt cOnTeNtEd wiD tHeRe fUcKeN' L!fE!! eN 1mOrTiNg I h8 pPoL hU r eZ 2 gEt pLaStiC eN baCk stUbBoRn, 2 pArAnOiD wiD sO mAnY tHiNgZ eN h8 jUdGeMeNtAL pPoL yAh kNoE?! EsPeCiaLLy wEn dEy 2kiN sYeT bHiNd mAh bAk!! DOnT u h8 dAt hUh?! Ooops foLkS 4GeT sUmTiN' 2 teL yAh i aM a vErY fRaNk pErSoN n k!nDa mEaN ghUrL 'aM gOeN' 2 teL yAh sTr8 2 uR uGLy fAcE !F i dOn'T L!ke u! sO !F i wE'rE u aCt n!cE iN fRoNt oF mEeH!! cOz iF nOt 'aM gOnNa kiCk uR sTiNkY aSs oUt oF diZ fUcKeD uP wOrLd!! weLL !F yAh h8 mEeH?! i dOn'T cArE...cOz i dOn'T g!vE a sHiT oWrYt?! jAz gEt LoSt biOtcH.. d heLL i cArE!! i dOn'T L!kE U tOo!!! eUw.. i cAn b a niCe pErSon iF uR n!Ce 2 mEeH! bUt !F U mEsS uP w!D mEeH.. i cAn b d wOrSt b!tCh...sO if y'aLL pLaNnEd 2 mEsS aRoUnD w!D mEeH i wArNeD yAh bEtTa tH!nK 'bOuT !T f!RsT.. tEnK yAh... mUcH mAhAL
Myspace layouts , comment graphics , and flash toys at pYzam.com .
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First Name: mAriAnE
Middle Name:
Birthday: 005009001893
Eyes: bRoWn eYeS
Hair: hiGh LitEz
Fav color: piNk, bAbY bLuE, wHiTe, bLaCk
Day/Night: bOtH
Fave Food: jApAnEsE fOoD n mExiCaN fOoD.. n oH yAh fiLiPiNo fOoD
Do you ever wish you had another name? yEaP..
Do you like anyone? pRoLLy.. iT dEpEnZ..iF uR pLaztiK oFcOrz i dOn'T LYK U! n iF uR aCtiN' niCe wiCh iZ uR nOt i gUeZ dOn'T bOthEr 2 2K 2 mEeH cOz aM jAz gOn igNoRe u lYk u dOnt eXIST!!
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? hahaha... dAmN qUeStiOn!! nO 1 cAn aCt LyK mEEh aiTe?!
Who's the loudest? rEd.. lol
Who have you known the longest of your friends? tOo mAny tO mEntiOn..
Who's the shyest: jAniZe.. hahaha.. kUnO
Are you close to any family members? sOrT oFf!
When you cried the most: tOOtHaChE!! lol
What's the best feeling in the world: bEaT uP tHoSe uGLY biYaTcHeZZZ...
Worst Feeling: wEn i gOt mAd.. i cAn'T cOnTrOl mAh mOuTh2 sAy a bAd wOrDz!!
Let's walk on the: bEaCh.. hOldiN' hAndZ wHiLe wALkiN' hOnEy..
Let's run through: yiGo tO tALoFoFo.. hOwZ dAt?!
Let's look at the: uGLy biYaTchEzZz cOz dErZ sOh fUnNy!! bwahahaha
What a nice: bOdY sExY yHaNg.. yiEeE
Where did all the: mAdAh fUcKeRr cAmE fRoM?!
Why can't you: jAz sHuT d fUCKeDD uPp LOLAZ!! hahaha
Silly, little: kEnG kEnG
Tell me: wHaTz uR fuCkEn' pRoBLeM niGgAh!!
Ran away from home: nOpE.. mY hOuSe iZ d 1 dAt rUnNiN' aWaY fRoM mEeH!!!
Pictured your crush naked: a hELL nO!!
Skipped school: yEaH.. bFoH..
Broken someone's heart: aHuH.. iT fEeLz gUd!!
Been in love: yEaH tO mAh hOnEy!
Cried when someone died: oFcOrZ dUh!!
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: dAmN iTT!!
Done something embarrassing: kiNdA..
Done a drug: nO fUcKeN' wAy!!
Cried in school: aHuH..
Your Good Luck Charm: mAh bAbiE kEnG kEnG
Person You Hate Most: oH oH... dO u rEaLLywAnA kNoE?! hahaha.. madami mga lolas n mukhang BAKLA!!
Best Thing That Has Happened: tO fiNd mAh mAn!
Ice Cream: cOoKiEz n cReAm bAbY..
WHO Makes you laugh the most: jAniZe kEnGkOy!
Makes you smile: wEn mAh pUpPy fLiRtZ aRoUnD!
Has A Crush On You: lol.. LaNyA nEy mAdAmi..
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yEaH.. cRuSh kO cLAnG jOmBAgiN!
Fallen for your best friend?:  nOpE!! i aiN't LeS...
Made out with JUST a friend?: nAAAAh..
Kissed two people in the same day?: hELL nO dUdE!
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: nO fUcKEn' wAy!! hahaha aM nOt d oNe dAt i kNoE oUt dEr!! hahaha FUTAH
Been rejected: . nOpE
Been in love?: yEaH
Been used?: nOpe
Done something you regret?: nOt diZ tYm..
Cheated on someone?: nOpE
Been called a tease: nOt rEaLLy!
You touched?: jAniZe..
You talked to on the phone?: cUsToMerZ
You hugged?: mAh hOnEy
You instant messaged?: i dOn'T rEmEmBeR..
You kissed?: mAh hOnEy
You yelled at?: kEnG kEnG
Who text messaged you?: nO oNe
Who broke your heart?: nO oNe
Who told you they loved you?: tOo mAny tO mEnTiOn
Number of things in my Past I Regret: idk.. :-)
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! img src="http://widget-2b.slide.com/p2/144115188080477227/ms_t02 1_v000_a000_f00/images/xslide2.gif" border="0"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i mEt hiM oWeDy.. nOnE aDaH dAn mAh LoViN' eN cAriN' hOnEy... LoVe hiM sOh mUcH cOz hiS mAh LiFe.. eN hiS d oNLy pErSoN hU cAn uNdErStAnD mEeH eN hiS d oNLy pErSoN hU kNoEz d rEaL mEeH!! tEnK yAh [h][O][n][E][y] [k][O] fOr bEiN' dEr 4 mEeH wEnEvEr i nEeD u.. i'LL pWaMiZ u dAt i'LL oNLy gOnNa sPeNd d rEsT oF mAh LiFe bY LoViN' u hOnEyoLd eN nEw fWeNz eXcEpT tHoSe tRyiN' hArD biOtCh pRe10diN' 2 b niCe eN qUiEt pErSon cOz i dOn'T wAnNa dEaL wiD tHoSe sO caLLeD mAriA cLaRa bUt dEeP iNsiDe oF 'eM dEr LyK a deViL tOo!! nYaHa3 aShAmE oN u!! eN yEaH tHoSe biOtCh hU tRyiN' 2 cOpY eVeRyThiN' bOuT mEeH mEaNin' tHoSe cOpY cUtTeR oUt dEr! U kNoE hU u R!! U bEtTaH bAcK oFf biOtCh.. i kNoE u oWeDy! eSpEciALLy u LoLa!!! fUcKeN' jEaLoUs eN iNsEcUrE 2 mEeH! jAz wAtCh oUt uR aSs aiGhT?!pPoL hU r iNtErEsTeD 2 mEeT d!z hOt cHiCk rYt hiR fEeL fReE 2 aDd mEeH!! sOh hOLLa bAcK 2 uR gHuRL..


MTV, piMp mAh riDe, tHe rEaL wOrLd eN fEaR fAcToR


i hAtE rEaD!nG bOoKz!!! sO bOr!nG!!! GggRrr

My Blog

wat iz fwenzhip?!

Fwenship iz not a state of mind, it'z an act.. it'z sumtin' u do, it'z not 'bout whether u're gud or not, it'z not a reflection of u, it'z a balanced relationship between ppol. Dat doesn't mean it's o...
Posted by (¯`·._.·[siMpLy mEeH]·._.·´¯) on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST

eVeRyDaY LiFe

Everyday for meeh is a different day. People again come up to meeh and say "Hey dude!! waddup?!" and other so called 'Hep' and 'Happening' words. Probably I come across as a person who's updated ...
Posted by (¯`·._.·[siMpLy mEeH]·._.·´¯) on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 11:07:00 PST

honey koh hapi puso day! i waf yah poh..

hOnEy kOh no words could describe how I feel for you, I love you with all my heart and I forever will!!! Hope this is not just the first and last of many holidays that we will spend together...
Posted by (¯`·._.·[siMpLy mEeH]·._.·´¯) on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:00:00 PST