if you truly wish to know anything about me read the following poems. if you are still interested fine send me a message i may let you deeper into my world. but truth be told i am not here for friendship if it may be developed overtime with someone here so be it. but i am here for the simple perpose of expressing myself and keeping in contact with my family and friends that i love dearly.
Dark Modern Gypsy:
earthy yet dark and forboding
mysterious and deep, demented
unnerving yet beautiful in all her glory
blue eyes that pierce
the depths of thy soul
there is a sadness to those eyes
a sadness to her look
time has changed her
though nothing shall tame her
beauty of the darkened skys
mistress to the pains of time
mother by nature a kindness to her eyes
a heart that nothing shall kill
a ghost in the world of men
shadow in this darkness
listen to her words
in her voice it shows
beneath the willow
all lies revieled
beneath the willow
tears reasons told
beneath the willow
the key to her soul
soft as the wind
through the summer trees
her true voice sings to thee
"come away on the wind
find me where it ends
where land meets sea
and reality, dreams
close your eyes
catch a glimps
of who is hiding
who is cring
meet me where the wind ends
and the land meets the sea"
your wandering arent you
whos hiding within
those ocean blue eyes
listen and you'll find her
look deep and she'll find you
touch deep those eyes do
hits deep that smile does
remember always her.
you just dont know
how could you though
the thoughts the doubts
swarning through me
the hurt the pain
the fear
all the things that
continue to this day
tring to consume me
im tired of fighting
tired of tring
to take controlle
the darkness is winning
im looseing my grip
on all the things
i wish for
tears wish to fall
instead blood spills once more
and i feel no regret
as i slash up my skin
it isnt you completely
it isnt really anything
yet everything at once
i am alone
theres no denying
theres no since lieing
i have noone
but the darkness
and my weakness
to blame
i can not continue
to fight off my past
i can not continue
to try
what is the since in it
i feel empty again
or maybe
i have been this whole time
and everythings been just a lie
why wont someone tell me
im fine
why wont someone
help me
why am i left to fight this alone
why am i left to this darkness
i close my eyes
once agian i find myself
looking at those pale eyes
that blood stain blade
and the empty darkness
that trys so hard to claim
my fighting soul
this constand battle
that rages within
every breath is like poison
you couldnt understand
the pain i feel each moment
of each day
you couldnt understand
the hurt i feel inside
i close my eyes
and pray silently
hoping someone will hear
but noone does
and i am left
within myself
looseing this battle
and looseing myself
not that i even know
who i trully am
seems like the darkness
is my true self
i am too weak to contiue this fight
to tired to raize my blade
once more
what is the point why do you care
im useless to you
weak to the core
im shaking so bad
i can berely type
these words anymore
i dont know what to do
i dont know why you care
why anyone does
whats so important about me
that i have to fight this
i just cant see it
i cant tell you what is wronge
i dont even know myself
so many doubts and fears
i just cant sort them out
i feel like im falling
off the edge of a cliff
and all i can see below
is the darkness reaching for me
i pray someone else will catch me
but i know that noone can
ive lost my way
and theres no light to lead me home
no way to see where i step
no way to know what tomorrow shall bring
if tomorrow ever comes