RF-Goes on, live @ Metropolis, Stavanger:
Props to Lasse! 4 more songs from the show HERE!
Raging Fugitives is a Hardcore/Punk band from The area around Nannestad and Jessheim in Norway. Started up in 2003 an recorded some demos that never got to see daylight. In 2005 we realesed the 8-track demo "Faen Ta!", we don't know how many copies we made of this, but we are pretty sure that we won't print up any more of them. In late 2005 Dan joined us on vocals and in Jan/Feb 2007 Ken joined on guitar
A Ep will be realesed in 2007
The 7" will be a collaboration between:
Nakkeskudd plater
Kontrabande records
Drittprofitt records
Plata records
A Cd will be realesed on the Bulgarian label:
Troskot Records