Eudaimonia profile picture



About Me

This is a short film that was made at the EYCI summit in D.C last november.Check out the short film/music video I put together of my recent trip to Arizona

My Interests

Cycling downhill with my feet off the pedals, bowling shoes, the sound a can of soda makes when you open it, throwing things off tall buildings , brown , watching fish swim, green tea, handmade presents , rolling down hills in the summer , putting on music really loud and singing along with it in the shower , mylar balloons , the apple logo , the smile on my little sister's face when she sees me , vinyl , the mildwey smell of old books , triscuits , handwritten letters , the corner of Davis St. and Chicago Ave , Walking into work right on time , the sound of waves against a silent boat , Holland Michigan , sitting in the secluded front seat on the L, sushi , Devils Lake , waterfalls , lists , really clever song titles , camping , getting your shoes stuck in the mud and having to hike back barefoot , nostalgia , birdwatching , Remembering , friends , being told I have nice eyes , British Accents , the church Gym , standing on stage , snow , google , your lips , movie quotes , home videos , bandshirts , encyclopedias , rubbing the sleep from my eyes , the future , flying cars , Kurt Vonnegut , vegans , really tall evergreens , spelunking , snorkeling , legos , lying on hardwood floors , all night diners , the fireside bowl , vinyl stickers , throwing things off overpasses , being told I'm smart , observing deep conversation , whispering , finding an article of clothing you thought you had lost , setting the table , knowing secrets , being honest , talking in parentheses , additive primaries , Swedish furniture , coffee mugs , picking out fruit at a produce stand , constelations , museums , Europe , huge dorky headphones , the Grand Tetons , Trampolines , guessing the meanings of words I've never heard before , not being lugubrious , empty bottles with labels in foreign languages , titties , dirty words , euchre , back porches , working with my dad in the yard , beer , tire swings , cornerstone , the discovery channel , saturday mornings , ski lifts , aftershave , store windows , engrish , the grand stop , Proverbs , visiting friends at work , making other people happy , the galapagos islands , wacky theories , punk rock , visiting my papa's grave , tasting saltwater , sour patch kids , cheap movie theatres , (mmhmm) Professional freestyle walking , aim , hungry jack casserole , flowerbeds , my h mock , learning so much about someone in such a short time that everything runs together and you start forgetting things , being reminded , sleeping in , lying in front of my fireplace, using my dog as a pillow , bleachers , people who have overcome extreme odds , hot chocolate , smiles , inside jokes , sharing a meal , Gibson firebirds , feeling infinite , informing people about something I feel passionate about , weightlessness , anticipation of the punchline , Craig Mattson , Corduroy , space ghost , superheroes , Henry David Thoreau , middle names , madlibs , the UPS guy at my old job , dre ing about being a toy inventor when I grow up , magazines with the word "popular" in the title , the shedd aquarium , changing my oil , making fun of ricers , breakdancing bears , playing poker during basketball g es , Pep band , not caring about getting funny looks from people , sobe , sitting with someone else's head on my shoulder , holding hands in the car , really windy days in the city , Hollywood grill , picking people up at the airport , roadtrips , realizing how many things in life make me happy , finding more stuff of mine to take home every time I visit Ian's apartment , Ashleys basement at stripping paint off bathroom walls while listening to violent femmes singing along really loud to the smiths sitting at Denny's for hours holding hands on my swingset orange bathing suits , having memories of this summer and not feeling sad , learning from heartbreak , glassjaw , Alan Goffinski and his acoustic guitar , being there for someone when they need , plaid , Pastor Earl , realizing I can go to Thad's christmas party on friday now , my older sister , visiting grand rapids , Aesops fables , Calvin and Hobbes , stencils , baseball games , using old computers and video g e systems as musical instruments , walking on frozen ponds , oldschool hip hop , bob inn , camp roger , limericks , leprechauns , close up pictures of eyes , animated gifs , being nerdy.

I'd like to meet:

People who don't suck.


:Top ten favorite albums of all time, in no particular order:
:"The Power of Failing" by Mineral:
:"Siamese Dream" The Smashing Pumpkins:
:"Surfer Rosa" The Pixies:
:"Highway 61 revisited" Bob Dylan:
:"Relationship of Command" At-The-Drive-In:
:"As The Roots Undo" Circle Takes The Square:
:"Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain" Pavement:
:"If You're Feeling Sinister" Belle And Sebastian:
:"Dance Tonight, Revolution Tomorrow" Orchid:
:"Letting Off The Happiness" Bright Eyes:


:Kerouack: :Vonnegut: :Thompson: :Salinger: :Lewis: :Foucault: :Orwell: :Ginnsberg: :Steinbeck: :Tolkein:
:Current reading list:
:Paradise lost-John Milton:
:Crime and Punishment-Fyodor Dostoevsky:
:The Brothers Karamazov-Fydor Dostoevsky:
;The Idiot-Fydor Dostoevsky:
:Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy:
:Perks of Being a Wallflower-Stephen Chbosky:
:Catch-22-Joseph Heller:
:House of Leaves-Mark Z. Danielewski:
:The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde:
:Women-Charles Bukowski:
:High Fidelity-Nick Hornby:
:Confessions-St. Augustine:
:The Master and Margarita-Mikhail Bulgakov:
:A Farewell to Arms-Ernest Hemingway:
:The Joke-Milan Kundera:


All my heroes are dead"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride..." And we... kill those people. Ha ha "Shut him up." "We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real." Just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. Jesus mudered; Martin Luther King mudered; Malcolm X murdered; Gandhi murdered; John Lennon murdered; Reagan.... wounded." -Bill Hicks

My Blog


I'm feeling rather monochromatic lately.
Posted by Eudaimonia on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 10:36:00 PST