Absurdism, Alcohol, Astrology, Birds, Black & White, Existentialism, Iceland, Inspiration, Manga, Movie Nights, Orchestral Instruments, People Watching, Photography, Pomegranates, Piercings, Rabbits, The Language of Flowers, Trains, Winter, Wolves, Writing
Allerseelen, Amber Asylum, ARKHON INFAUSTUS, Arrows of Vali, Ars Diavoli,Billy Corgan, Contagiion, Danny Elfman, Death in June, Dir en Grey, Ensiferum, Forseti, Hexehafen, Ljå, Lurker of Chalice, Majdanek Waltz, Mithotyn, Moon Far Away, Mum, Muse, Nature And Organisation, Neutral, NettleCarrier, Netherbird, Nirvana, Nocturnai, Satariel, Scivias, Smashing Pumpkins, Sopor Aeternus, Soul Invictus, The Cure, The Moon and the Nightspirit, Zwan
28 Days Later, 3:10 to Yuma, A Tale of Two Sisters, Begotten, Bug, Constantine, Delicatessen, Dreamcatcher, Edward Scissorhands, Feast, Fillini's Satyricon, Fight Club, Freaks, Gummo, Harry Potter, Jacobs Ladder, NO Country for Old Men, Powder, Reeker, Silent Hill, Suspiria, Tales from the Gimli Hospital, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Machinist, The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable