MY RAINING STARS profile picture


About Me

"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no ..." Alan McGee
CONTACT: [email protected]
iTunes,, napster,, fnac music, nokia music store, music Me ...
=> pour "les lyonnais": notre album est disponible chez Gibert Musique à Lyon 3, quai Gailleton, 69002: 7,99 €
=> for the others: by mail: contact me on [email protected], i will send u a paypal request then the cd for 10 € (posts costs included)
ENGLISH REVIEWS (french reviews below)
Take the Pills:
... a french indie pop band that plays the perfect combination between the melodic pop from Sarah Records and all that jangly guitar pop hooks from the early Creation bands...
... I'm pretty impressioned about the way "From St Saviour To Quickwell" easily flows along every track, probably will be one of the finest pop songs you gonna hear this year - an amazing record from start to finish, for sure...
... From St Saviour To Quickwell is a solid record with well crafted infectuous pop melodies that fill our hearts with joy, just hear the jangle guitars of "Riding For a Fall" and the catchy "Gone For Ever More" (my fave ones!) - I just have to decide which one will be in my compilation of best songs this year...
... One of the best releases this year, and it's a self one!
... here is a welcoming album that is full of wonderful little tunes like "All This Time" that have smart melodies and chiming lush choruses that are both danceable and catchy. The gentle "Express and Share" and "Head Over Heels" are highlights in this sophisticated indie pop album...
... for fans of lush indie Brit-pop, this is truly seductive music that will not grow old on you....
... I knew we’d be comfortable bedfellows when I read the bands list of favourite records from the 1990’s and their jangly output distils the best bits from many of them. There is a C86 aesthetic at work and perfect little tunes like ‘Head Over Heels’ are just made for tidal waves of blog love. Harmonies pervade its every pore and the winsome chiming chords provide the loveliest of backdrops...
... I save albums like their debut From St Saviour to Quickwell for days when the outside world makes me wonder if my heart hasn’t once again been torn through my sternum. I’m pleased to report that with headphones firmly in place I can feel said heart beating in time…and the smile on my face grows bigger with every song that plays...
... MTQ=8/11 ...
Indie MP3:
... it is a solid début and one that all indie pop fans should hear at least once...
Music of the moment:
... while the album might not be a groundbreaking new experience, it surely does make a welcoming change to all the much-hyped, but rather disappointing stuff that one can find in the papers these days. Fans of classic Britpop-sounds with a soft spot for Scandinavian pop should definitely find some pleasure in My Raining Stars. I myself spent some time with the album during my last holiday and enjoyed it, and I guess it will remain in my news folder for a few weeks more...
... luckily, we’ve found My Raining Stars from France who have been influenced by some of the best possible bands we can think of, and you’ll hear it in their music...
FRENCH REVIEWS élu 3ième meilleur album 2008: grosse suprise reste tout de même ce coup de revival parfaitement maitrisé et signé My Raining Stars. Un artiste toujours sans label et qui rivalise pourtant avec la plupart des groupes qu’il citait dans l’interview qu’il nous avait accordée. Comme quoi, s’il fallait toujours attendre les labels pour se faire plaisir, on en raterait de bien belles choses. Un temps d’avance ? Un temps de retard ? J’en sais rien et je m’en fous. Quelques spécialistes de "real indie pop" outre-manche ont déjà dit tout le bien qu’ils pensaient de My Raining Stars, moi aussi...
Les Inrockuptibles:
... temple dédié à la guitare des années 80/90...
... MRS n'est pas un tribute band, sa foi naive dans cette façon désuette de tricoter des chansons souillonnes et pourtant coiffées avec une raie de coté est palpable et garantie sans cynisme, sans calcul...
... dans les Inrocks, époque mensuel, cette chronique aurait bataillé dans nos colonnes avec The Field Mice ou Pale Saints...
... comment concilier la joyeuse insouciance des sixties, le détachement crâne des années 90 et l'égo superstar des années 2000?...
... leur album à la production irréprochable aligne les mélodies accrocheuses et les gimmicks ravageurs...
... la soi-disant incompatibilité d'un aplomb de super-héros et d'une attachante gaucherie de slacker disparaît, au profit d'une efficacité sensible, attentive aux détails, sublime au recul...
... prenez le temps d'écouter leurs morceaux - on y retrouve vraiment l'esprit de cette pop du début des années 1990 : mélodies solides et légèrement sucrées, pêchées entre les eaux troubles des Charlatans et celles, plus limpides, du label Sarah Records...
... leur album tient la route de bout en bout, sans baisse de régime, sur onze titres homogènes, efficaces et concis...
... l'album atteint ainsi quelques sommets comme "Gone For Ever More" ou les très beaux "Head Over Heels" ou "Express & Share" qui sont loin de faire pale figure devant leurs cousins britanniques et qui justifient, entre autres, un petit coup de cœur pour ce disque "made in France"....
A Découvrir Absolument:
... MRS semblent se donner comme sacerdoce de faire revivre les fantômes des Smiths, des Housemartins et de New Order. Les guitares font des entrechats cristallins, la basse emmène tout ce beau monde vers les pistes de danse et le chant lui rebondit comme un ballon de baudruche qui maîtriserait ses rebonds. Difficile de dire du mal d'un disque aussi plaisant à écouter de bout en bout...
... mélodieusement c'est irréprochable, les arrangements ne travestissent pas l'écriture et l'on surprendrait presque à reprendre sous la douche des titres comme « all this time » en remplacement de nos marronniers du matin chantant. Un plaisir simple et partageable...
Viva La Popa:
... MRS est un groupe français dont on ne sait pas grand chose à part que leur disque revient souvent sur la platine du webzine en ce moment. Très charmant du début à la fin catégorie pop anglaise, il serait dommage de passer à côté. Une pop mélodieuse à guitare avec quelques choeurs féminins pour soutenir l'ensemble...
... MRS a réussi à composer quelques perles pop vraiment sympathiques...
... La production classieuse et disons le impeccable (due à E-Grand) pour ce style d'album rehausse encore plus, si besoin était, la qualité des 11 morceaux du disque. Tout est réuni pour offrir le parfait écrin sonore à des compositions délicates et graciles...
... Il en résulte un album, vous l'aurez compris, parfait à écouter au printemps avec insouciance. Un disque capable de faire oublier les temps de crise et la morosité ambiante. Et c'est déjà beaucoup... Des morceaux comme "Riding For A Fall" ou "Most Of Her Days" devraient même dans un monde idéal envahir les ondes...
... Pourtant notre morceau préféré est "Better Days" avec son intro géniale, son chant évoquant les Beatles, les guitares sourdes en arrière plan qui s'affirment progressivement, et surtout cette batterie qui ne se met en place que durant le dernier tiers du morceau apportant un souffle quasi lyrique. Superbe !
...Au final ce disque ne procure qu'un seul et unique regret : celui de ne pas l'avoir découvert plus tôt !
Stars Are Underground:
... Il faut sans doute l’avoir vécu pour le comprendre. A tous ceux qui se poseraient la question “c’est quoi être Indie Pop en 2009 », My Raining Stars est peut-être la réponse idéale, évidente, qui s’imposera à tous les nostalgiques d’un temps pas si lointain où les groupes indés flirtaient avec les sommets des Charts - anglo-saxons tout du moins....
...amoureux des Smiths, des Stones Roses ou encore de Ride et des Pale Saints, ils auraient aisément pu être contemporains de tous ces groupes, tant les chansons qui composent ‘From St Saviour To Quickwell’ évoquent tout particulièrement l’un des maîtres du genre, les regrettés Boo Radleys, et plus particulièrement au tournant le plus Pop de leur carrière, sur ‘Wake Up’...
...Voici donc 11 titres autoproduits qui retrouvent avec justesse le son et l’ambiance de cette période pré-Britpop. Des compositions aussi simples qu’efficaces, notamment ‘Head Over Heels’ et ses doux chœurs de clôture, la mélodie impeccable de ‘Twisting Over My Soul’, les tubes ‘Most Of Her Days’ et ‘Better Days’ (un titre imparable)...
... Pour nous ce sont beaucoup d’émotions qui renaissent à l’écoute de ce disque. Et si vous n’avez pas connu cette glorieuse époque, l’album de My Raining Stars pourrait bien être le déclic qui vous ouvrira grand les portes de tout un univers musical...
"MY RAINING STARS is a story of 2 friends and former members of Nothing To Be Done, who were keen several years later to get together again to work on a shared musical goal.
First, there were new songs written by T.Haliniak and recorded on an old, four-track recorder. These fresh, spontaneous titles revealed the quality of the compositions which seduce from the first time you listen to them. However, inadequately dressed to make their way out into the open, E-grand and Mathea took on the mission to strip them down and to re-clothe them with the best garments. They weaved them from gold string and velour, ornating them with pearls and precious stones, and crafting them in the finest art of ideal, Indie Pop. E-grand and Mathea, already accomplices in the production of "Elsewhere" from Dynamo, added their experience and Pop fibre to the vocal melodies of T.Haliniak. The lead voice is brilliantly comforted by intermingled, background vocals. The abundance of crystal and lively yet meticulous guitars authentically solidify the force of "From St Saviour to Quickwell", an album filled with passion and which resurrects the 3 protagonists of MY RAINING STARS and rekindled friendship."
The 80's songs that have changed MY RAINING STARS's life:
The SMITHS stop me if you think that u've heard this one before / panic & many many others..... The JESUS & MARY CHAIN just like honey..... The BANGLES manic monday..... The RAIN PARADE broken horse..... PRIMAL SCREAM velocity girl..... NEW ORDER true faith..... TILL TUESDAY everything is different now..... The PASTELS nothing to be done
The 90's songs that ......:
ADORABLE homeboy / sunshine smile..... TEENAGE FAN CLUB everything flows..... DYNAMO run baby run..... MANIC STREET PREACHERS little baby nothing..... EAST VILLAGE vibrato..... The LA'S there she goes..... MY BLOODY VALENTINE sometimes..... ARNOLD windsor park..... RIDE twisterella ..... The BELLTOWER outshine the sun..... The PALE SAINTS throwing back the apple..... The VERVE history..... OASIS slide away / fade away..... SUEDE the drowners..... BLUR there's no other way..... The STONE ROSES I'm the resurrection / made of stone..... CHAPTERHOUSE falling down / breather..... SLOWDIVE alison..... The CHARLATANS the only one I know.... SWERVEDRIVER last day on earth..... STRANGELOVE time for the rest of your life..... EMBRACE all you good good people..... ONE DOVE white love..... DOT ALLISON message personnel.....
The 00's songs that ......:
ELLIOTT SMITH wouldn't mama be proud..... The DANDY WHAROLS godless..... The RAINBAND knee deep & down..... The BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE when jokers attack..... JOHNNY CASH hurt (cover)..... ELECTRIC SOFT PARADE silent to the dark..... A CAMP the bluest eyes in texas..... STARS ageless beauty..... JOHNNY BOY you are the Generation That Bought More Shoes and You Get What You Deserve... ANTONY & THE JOHNSONS hope there's someone..... The SHINS phantom limb..... TREMBLING BLUE STARS idyllwild..... The UPPER ROOM all over this town ..... VOXPOP: bad news ..... GLASVEGAS daddy's gone.... THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART: everything with u .... The GRANTS: i am the one.... E-Grand: secret place....
The movies that ....... :
Kes..... Taxi Driver..... Box Of Moonlight..... Raining Stones..... Sweet Sixteen..... No Way Home..... Dig..... Boys Don't Cry..... INTO THE WILD.... INTO THE WILD.... INTO THE WILD !!!

My Interests


Member Since: 13/10/2007
Band Members: T.Haliniak
Dan "(live + flyer & sleeve designer)

Photos by Mark Holdefehr
Influences: 60ies: The Beatles (thanks to JM.Picur), The Byrds, The Zombies, The Left Banke, Love, The Kinks, Tamla Motown, the Mamas & Papas, The Aerovons, Billy Nicholls, Heron, The Idle Race, Del Shannon, The Velvet Underground

70ies: D.Bowie, Blondie (thanks to JM.Picur), Judee Sill, Big Star

80ies: The Rain Parade, THE SMITHS, The Primitives, THE HOUSEMARTINS, Felt, Till Tuesday, Ultra Vivid Scene, Echo & The Bunnymen, New Order, Tears For Fears, Talk Talk, THE JESUS & MARY CHAIN, The Lilac Time, C86, EARLY PRIMAL SCREAM, The Pale Fountains, The Go-Betweens, THE STONE ROSES, Madchester Scene

90ies: East Village, TEENAGE FANCLUB, 18 Wheeler, The BMX Bandits, The Pastels, The Field Mice, Another Sunny Day, Even As We Speak, Secret Shine, The Orchids, Brighter, The Wake, The Sea Urchins, The Sweetest Ache, Heavenly, The Hit Parade, The Darkside, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, Idha, PALE SAINTS, RIDE , Swervedriver, Slowdive, Catherine Wheel, CHAPTERHOUSE, Arnold, ADORABLE, Lush, Medicine, The Telescopes, Bailterspace, Galaxie 500, The Belltower, The Charlatans, The Happy Mondays, The Hollow Men, World Of Twist, Northside, The Bluetones, My Jealous God, Suede, Strangelove, Oasis, Embrace, One Dove, Dot Allison, St Etienne, The Beloved, Popsicle, That Petrol Emotion, Gigolo Aunts, Spirea X, Dinosaur Jr, Redd Kross, Superstar, The Manic Street Preachers, The Posies, The Lemonheads, Velvet Crush

00ies: Joseph Arthur,ELLIOT SMITH, Mojave 3, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Dandy Wharols, The Brian Jonestone Massacre, The RainBand, Aimée Mann, The Regular Fries, The Doves, Cuba, Cotton Mather, Pernice Brothers, Delta, Goldrush, Mark Gardener, The Flaming Lips, Electric Soft Parade, Badly Drawn Boy, Belle & Sebastian, Birdie, Cosmic Rough Riders, The Primary 5, Francis Mc Donald, Speedboat, Super Furry Animals, The Delays, The Engineers, January, The Zillions, THE SHINS, Voxtrot, Trembling Blue Stars, THE UPPER ROOM/VOXPOP, The Isles, GLASVEGAS, The Grants, DYNAMO
Sounds Like: C86 meets Creation Records meets Sarah Records!!!
Record Label: Believe Digital
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

"Track by track" of our album

French:"La génèse" des 11 chansons de notre album en ligne sur Popnews: k-by-track/ English:Introduction: Thierry: "To full comprehend what follows, ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 22:46:00 GMT

Magic RPM / Les Inrockuptibles

Magic RPM n° 127 M Daubert:"Comment concilier la joyeuse insouciance des sixties, le détachement crâne des années 90 et l'égo superstar des années 2000? My Raining Stars prend le taureau par les corne...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:18:00 GMT

Interview for (french & english)

Hi,Just to tell u that u can read a french interview with Thierry from My Raining Stars on:   Translation in english: My Raining Stars is a French group bu...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 13:07:00 GMT

Interview in Cookie Scene N°63 & on Apple Crumble Record site

Hi,Just to tell u that, if u are japanese, u can read a part of the interview I've done for the excellent japanese indie music magazine Cookie Scene n°63 among other articles about The Dandy Wharols, ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 22:52:00 GMT

Reviews of our album: webzines, blogs ect...

Here are some reviews of our album  "From St Saviour To Quickwell":(All of these links work out of myspace!)1)° French /
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 14:11:00 GMT

"Gone For Ever More" on the ADA compilation

Hi,   Just to tell u that "Gone For Ever More" has been selected to appear on the french compilation A Découvrir Absolument n°14.  For more information, go to the website:  ht...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 02:34:00 GMT

"Riding For A Fall" on the Scottish compilation "Doing it for the Kids 08"

Hi,   "Riding For A Fall" has been selected to appear on a Scottish compilation alongside established artists such as Ed Harcourt,  Ed Ball, The Orchids, Daniel Wylie (ex Cosmic Rough Riders...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 00:10:00 GMT

Wise Dog Records likes My Raining Stars

We are selected in their playlist " A slightly hungover playlist" :  POP IS FUCKIN’ NOT DEAAADDD!!!
Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:08:00 GMT

This week, a new song on IndiePages

This week, u can listen to a new song called "All this time" selected by Chris from IndiePages We hope u will like it!
Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 07:42:00 GMT