Tom profile picture


Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers...

About Me

Well, let's see... I suppose I should put a little something about me here in this appropriately named "about me" section. I live and work here in Laguna. I love the area, but the people can be pretentious assholes. I am a network administrator by day, and a superhero who fights for good and for awesomeness by night. Ok, perhaps the superhero bit is a stretch, but I nearly have myself convinced that the villains of the world tremble at the mere mention of my name. As you may be able to tell I am fairly laid back and a bit of a goof ball. I enjoy laughing and having a good time with friends and family. My hobbies include a variable cornucopia of activities from reading, martial arts, driving, cars, art, music, dorking out on my computer, and well, the list could go on and on, but let me sum it up with this -- I enjoy doing just about anything. This is my second time filling out this field, and I imagine my prior entry was far more witty; however, it has been forever lost do to my hair pin trigger finger and my propensity to click the "back" button on my mouse at the most inopportune times.