Saine profile picture


Ride the world until the wheels fall off

About Me

Disclaimer: Warning! None of the following is based on any actual real events.
Who likes Hot Chocolate?
I find life amusing and so unpredictable the majority of the time, I dont know what I'm here for? But I'm dead set on enjoying it to the highest level whilst I'm here.
Sometimes I cook, altough most times I get some random person in a shop to cook for me, and sometimes for some reason they give me a free can of Coke without me even asking for it. Therefore on occassion I feel honourd... (is that really how you spell honourd? the more i look at it, the more unsure i become).
I'm not into Coke much, shame though I've got tonnes of it in my house.
I love music, since a wee nipper I've loved music, all music, I know it sounds a bit of a cliche but if it's good, it's good, and it would be unfair of me to start picking at individual genre's right at this moment, but I would tell you if I didn't like the sound of something...
I don't like the sound of my old computer tapes. Sometimes I play my old tapes that I pick out at random (eyes closed or gaze at ceiling style) from a massive grey post office letters bag, in there is a mixture of everything I've listened to since a kid, to... Well the invention of CD's I guess, and now onto computers, phones and pure gadgets. But at some point I threw my old computer tapes into the same bag as my other tapes, so they've joined me on my growth trip through life, they hurt my ears but strangely still hold memories, so I just keep throwing them back in the bag.
I like Cheddars.
Although I don't like honey.
There used to be more of me but now I'm just me, there may be more again but either way I'll just be me, oooo provocative.
DO YOU WANT TO BE IN A BAND??? Do you know if you definatly do, or if you definatly don't?, are you a maybe kind of person?
Well here it will be folks, the begining of THE BIGGEST BAND IN THE WORLD.
I'm looking for One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Five Overweight Members, and one Fan, Somone to lug my Guitar around and "Alan Partridge in a Pear Tree" So if you think you've got what it takes then ask your self "Do I play a musical instrument?"(not me, you, obviously),"Do I sing?"(again your asking these questions to yourself),"Do I have a good signature for autographs?"(alhough i do personally think my autograph as i like to call it, is quite sexy),"How seriously do I take life?"(mmm?) and then ask yourself something else, completely at random, think about it? and answer yourself truthfully. Once you have your answer, E-mail me and I'll see if your right.
So go now and think about it over a nice Hot Chocolate.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/10/2007
Band Members: [email protected]
Influences: Snow,

The Happy Birthday song.

oh & Mushrooms.
Sounds Like: You'll have to let me know, thanx.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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