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About Me

Eve-101.com: is a place where open minds and honest opinions congregate…to talk about the things in life that everybody thinks about: sex, dating, love, relationships, marriage, divorce, household, parenting, current events, culture, health, beauty, wellness, the human spirit, and, well, anything else that might interest us during any given week. But it is our unique spin on the subjects at hand that keeps you coming back…we are interested in gathering opinions around here, not converting or stifling, and above all, we are interested in finding the laughter in everything and staying true to ourselves. What we hope to create here at Eve is a family of sorts, a place where everyone can learn and share together. So make yourselves at home, in our home.
Trista:Co-Editor in Chief
Trista often knows best…she’ll be the first to tell you that, but this is not an issue of ego (well, not really…). It is a statement born out of the culmination of experience, missteps and successes alike that have shaped her into the strong and free thinking woman she is. In taking sole proprietorship of her life she has become impervious to the prescribed societal notions of how she ought to behave and seeks to inspire the same self reliance and personal strength in others.
Trista is a proud mother, loving daughter, avid reader and hardworking student (of life and college for that matter). Her love of writing, education and family combined with a unique ability to connect personally with readers lends her voice an air of universality without compromising the artistry of her beloved; the written word. In the end she will probably learn as much from what she writes as you will in reading it. Trista strives to provide not all the answers, but rather a mirror that readers can use to reflect upon their own experiences. It is her hope that you will walk away from her writing with a calm reassurance that you are not alone, and a renewed faith in the power of self awareness and self confidence.
When not studying, writing or hosting, Trista enjoys spending time with her two boys and her (slightly) overweight dog, reading American literature, watching the Discovery Channel and eating peanut butter straight out of the jar. With a spoon.
Karri:Co-Editor in Chief
A successful entrepreneur and humanitarian, Karri approaches life with an unparalleled passion for each new endeavor that she encounters. Whether it be life, love or her pursuit of happiness you’ll discover her to be intoxicating and contagious. Those who cross paths with this wild and uninhibited free spirit will either sit back in awe or become a willing participant in her next adventure, either way you’re certain to be captivated and inspired.
Karri is a former small town farm girl who’s managed to land herself in the midst of LaLa Land. A decade after arriving she has immersed herself in the superficiality of her concrete surroundings while longing for the simplistic lifestyle and easy breezy days of her youth - climbing oak trees and befriending wild creatures. She lives in a constant state of flux; a continual dichotomy waxing between traditional values and modern day philosophies. Her experiences are incomprehensible to most as she prefers to embrace the road less traveled.
A self-proclaimed caffeine addict who overuses the word “preface”, Karri has plans to venture into the world of single-parenthood before succumbing to the loss of her rapidly declining egg production. She currently resides in a cottage near the beach in Southern California with her four-legged side kick, Lilly.
Sarah: Contributing Author
Sarah is a small town girl with big city sarcasm. She is in Accounts Payable by trade, but spends her free time with her son, boyfriend and working on her Accounting Degree. The degree is solely so she can you use the phrase “Accountants Do It without Losing their Balance” She also enjoys sketching, swimming, and in the last few years, writing. Sarcasm is prevalent in her writing but underneath that there is a deep interest in human nature. She is on a constant journey to find out why we are all so messed up.
And of course like every woman, her main goal is to have US Americans get maps for South America and the Iraq such as, help the South Africa the Iraq and the Asian countries to read maps to help educate our US Americans future, and such.
Sarah was born and raised in a small island located in North East Florida where she raises her six year old son and lives with her boyfriend of two years. She is a plethora of useless 80’s and 90’s info and has seen just about every movie there ever was at least three times. She loves to play Mario Kart and talk shit to Luigi because, well, he is totally asking for it.
Meghan: Contributing Author
Meghan likes to think her self a know-it-all, but ‘Useless Facts Generator’ is probably closer to the truth. The smirk on her face is to be considered endearing, not smug, and she wears it with pride. A caregiver’s soul by nature, she might mother you a little; but she will never tell you that you are wrong unless she is absolutely certain how to help.
Meghan is known for saying the first thing that comes to mind, even when it’s not necessarily appropriate. Some find it genuine, some find it embarrassing. Either way, it is meant add laughter to the situation at hand. Her heart is in the right place, even when her foot is square in her mouth.
She hails from Michigan - the heart, or rather, the ‘mitten’ of the Mid-West. Although disconnected from her roots, she fosters their preservation every day. Her passion for Non-profit work brought her to Boston 9 years ago, and she continues to dedicate her free time to working with various local organizations focused on community, the environment and our future generation.
Her other passions include reading, music, coffee and keeping her ‘laugh lines’ real.
Carol: Contributing Author
Carol exudes a contagious energy often compared to sunshine. It reflects both the warmth of her spirit and the lightness which carries her from day to day. Occasionally, she has been known to wield it like a Super Hero and has indeed been called that from time to time. Snarky and sentimental, she is equally apt to inspire laughter and tears. Gratitude, humility and her kiddos keep this single mom in check.
Carol credits her son and daughter as her greatest teachers. They have taught her the sun is always right behind the clouds. She is devoted to her mission of sharing life’s lessons and offers rays of hope along the way. Despite her blatant refusal to wear the Super Mom cape, she embraces her Domestic Diva and Momminess with (mostly) humor and grace. Sometimes tumbling from her high wire balancing act of kiddos, career and relationships, she bounces back sunshine in hand. Not a juggler by trade, this ringmaster and self-professed clown resides with her joy-filled circus (and monkeys!) outside of Nashville, TN.
Leave your love here...
Eve 101 The I-TV Show: voyeurism for the enlightened. Finally, a show that takes life’s little taboos out into the open flips them over and verbally spanks them into submission.
It’s a chance for viewers to sit in on the private conversations of everyday women, voicing their opinions on matters that were previously reserved for late night phone chats and bachelorette parties.
Co-hosts Trista and Karri met while writing for the same floundering e- magazine. After limited success both were left wanting more. A friendship was born out of frustration and further strengthened by a mutual resolve to build something on their own; you know… something successful. Fast forward a few years later and Eve 101 has been ushered into existence. It’s an unholy lovechild of sorts, brought into being by two strong women who no longer find it necessary to wait their turn.
Eve 101…here to remind everyone that forbidden fruit just tastes better.
Friday nights at 8:00 pm Pacific on TheStream.tv
Eve-101 - Best in Show

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Eve-101 - Pajama Shenanigans

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Eve-101 - Hygiene Hijinx

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Eve-101 - Escorts Undressed

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Eve-101 - The Agony of the Cheat

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My Blog

2009...What's Next?!

Were barely past the one month mark of the New Year and I have already found myself asking the question&Is it over yet? Normally I dont have a penchant for wanting to speed up the hands of time. ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 02:49:00 GMT

Think Before You Ink!

With age comes&wisdom? Ah, what a lovely thought, that our youth not only provides us with sordid tales of our trials and tribulations, but also epiphanies to hopefully not repeat certain behaviors. D...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 07:30:00 GMT

Banned Super Bowl Commercials...Part of This Complete Diet

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Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 02:54:00 GMT

Die, Cupid. Die!

Welcome to He said, She said, where we take a common questionor topic and see if members of the opposite sex can get on the samepage, or if theyll have to agree to disagree. Todays topic: Singles ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 08:31:00 GMT

Sexually Transmitted E-Mail?!

Theres no question that when it comes to how we manage dating and our relationships, the internet has become so intermeshed with our society that it has forever changed how we choose to communicate w...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 02:14:00 GMT

Prying Eyes

At first glance it felt like any other morning&a yawn, a stretch, the aroma of percolating coffee and a glimpse of the sun rising. But on this particular day as my blurry eyes focused, I realized some...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:07:00 GMT

Are Your Lap Dances All They're Cracked Up To Be?

What exactly do you look for in a lap dance? Having never Made It Rain myself, I can only ponder as to why someone would pay good money to have a gal wearing nothing but a thong and glitter make f...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 03:04:00 GMT

Relationship Priorities

January: The month that sets the pace for the next 11 to follow. Frantically we begin making plans and setting goals all in an attempt to achieve more than the year prior. We have lofty hopes and id...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:33:00 GMT

Are You a Bitch? Raise Your Hand...

I am a bitch&in case you havent already heard. In an overwhelming and unanimous decision of one, some school of Magic Eight Ball logic has spoken, and it is decidedly so. At this juncture, only the...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 06:38:00 GMT

Adios, Sugar Daddy!

For a multitude of reasons ranging from research to dating I have managed to acquire an inordinate amount of on-line dating site memberships over the years. Elite Meeting, Yahoo Personals, the ever p...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 07:54:00 GMT