Movies, Music. Just the normal things in this life. I have a wide spectrum! So, try me...
God, so I can kick his silly ass!! God has NO humor(sorry for the religious fanatics. I also would like to meet.......all of you!
Very versatile
very versatile
sorry, TV is for low rankers.
The Consumer(M.Gira), Legion/Gemini(W.Peter Blatty), The Necronomicon, Understanding 9-11(var.).
Sympathy and respect to all individuals that show the other side of america's face: Arafat, Bobbie Fisher, , Saddam Hussain, Chavez,Gore. For all Crapublican voters, Israel supporters, CDA/VVD voters: BITE ME!!! Love to: Mother Earth for making all this possible, My parents for making ME possible. :)