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I am here for Friends

About Me

Everything has recently became Nothing and then spontaneously became Everything again and ate My Television, only to regurgitate it 7 minutes later with my missing car keys, only to discover your car has been stolen later that afternoon when you needed it. ....About Me, Well what can one really say about ones self without blending the truth with the fiction. I am only what I reflect, therefore I am Me. I Write. Then I Write some more. Soon I have Written A lot. Then I Read It. Then I Re-Write It In Hopes Of Not Making The Original Writing And The Subsequent Reading A Waste Of Time. Perhaps, If I Reach This Level, I Will Add To The Writing Later. Sometimes This Becomes An Indefinite Process.....which in retrospect makes the entire situation WAY more complicated then it really has to be, but what can you do when you live in perpetual commotion. I Like To Paint As well, Although They Are Mostly Crude, Disturbing and Only Interesting To Myself. My Hot Woman is way better at it, which is one of a multitude of reasons why I Love her immensely. Moreover, I must travel. Its Required. Somewhere in my genetic past my ancestry must have been nomadic or strictly insane. I've seen a lot, So, Yes It's Reasonable To Assume That I've Done a lot. However That Being Said It Doesn't Make anything I've Done or Seen Reasonable to the slightest degree... Somewhere Between These Things (which recently bears a wide birth) I make music. I Really Like It Too, But I Always Find My Ability To Play In Direct Conflict With My Physical Need To Sleep. Which Comes And Goes On Its Own Accord..... I find several issues of life in general can be reflected in the same way. They come and they go. Love, Strife, Pain, Hope etc. Monuments to what it means to be alive, and that I think, is my motivation. All this considered I'm completely unaware of my life's purpose, but of course, so is everyone else who's not a thief. I find it actually an advantage in most situations, although I would like to get something nailed down before I forget who I am or what I was doing with all that time. My favorite memories seem to be the ones I can't exactly remember, but you can make out the outline if you keep from blinking for an hour. I have Two beautiful daughters, Ones intelligence rivals most adults, and the other is going to be an astronaut or a race car driver. Otherwise known as the 13th Beaver. Concurrently preparations are being made in a certain Secret Organizations Underground Laboratory for my Grandest Adventure yet. Personal suggestions lean to the probability I will eventually climb Mt. Everest, dead or alive. Either way my friends will be there. I'm a Triple threat Scorpio with a vendetta complex and a formidable vocabulary, so don't cross me. Otherwise I'm a very patient guy, usually nice too. Any further inquires about me should be directed towards my Attorney. Perhaps read a blog or two. I'm not into the whole "You Seem Interesting, Tell me about yourself Phenomenon". Also in equal certainty I will produce little or no effort to exchange the above mentioned dialog unless I'm provoked by a curiosity of intelligence or a respectful demeanor. further more, I'm currently in a Permanently Wonderful Relationship (PWR) and have absolutely NO desire to explore Any other Position. So please no high school grab ass behavior or comments. I have a delete function and I know how to use it. Oh by the way, Hi, I'm Me. Or wait. Maybe I'm not. Either way its nice to introduce myself, when the occasion arises. I'd shake your hand but I have found this process to be rather futile and my attempts continue without success due to the fact my Hand is Currently Analog as opposed to the necessary Digital required to accomplish before mentioned greeting. This, it seems has gone on long enough. If you simply require more information to process what has now become a very detailed map of confusion. Refer to the Encyclopedia. Look under "C". I'm in there. A lot of people reside inside of me, and although my Gross National Product is Extremely Low, I do make a good place for refugees from Dar Fur. Or do I.... < > ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've already met her, twice, and she is Absolutely Wonderful!!! As for everyone else...Anyone of Substance. Preferably someone Intelligent to a Reasonable degree. Someone that can relate to my Boat and explain Why their in it. Otherwise I have no more room for complications in my life, so please, Check your Baggage at the door. Of course there is always the notables. Johnny Cash, Ernest Hemingway, or Hunter Thompson.I'd also like to meet me 20 years from now, that would help a lot too.............awkward though. What would I wear? Certainly wouldn't want to show up wearing the same thing...potentially embarrassing.And what ever happened to Jason Price....that dude is out there somewhere and he probably owes you money. Regardless, if you see him, send him my way. Unless I owe you money, then we must ALL keep a safe distance.... Wouldn't want anything to get out of hand. This is however a public forum of sorts and we should be on our best behavior. except for Jason...he earned that privilege.

.. .. .... ....

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My Blog

Crap, Falcon, Can. Volume  11 Commencement

2:24 PM- Crap, Falcon, Can.   Volume  11    Commencement Prologue:  Current Events play a major factor in this installment. I realize I usually reach into the past for inspiration, a place of...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:37:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can Volume 10 "The Apartment"

1:12 AM -Crap, Falcon, Can Volume 10   "The Apartment"   Prologue: This time around, it gets a little personal. So of course in turn, I must convey to you, the reader, that the following ...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:35:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can Volume-9 Cresting the Lampshade

4:42 AM-  Crap, Falcon, Can Volume-9  Cresting the Lampshade   Prologue: This is by far the most difficult installment of the Series to date. Difficult for you the reader to understand and e...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:34:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can. Vol-7 "Technicolor Coyote Part-1"

1:25 AM - Crap, Falcon, Can. Vol-7 "Technicolor Coyote Part-1" PROLOGUE: Many a moment in my life has fallen into nothing. Those little memories we have all forgotten. There are of course t...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:33:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can. Volume 8 "Forty-Two"

2:42 AM - Crap, Falcon, Can. Volume 8 "Forty-Two" PROLOGUE: The Following takes place between 1979 and 2006. The Names and The Events have been changed due to certain legalities. This volume as...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:33:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can. Vol-6 "High Water Mark"

5:07 AM - Crap, Falcon, Can. Vol-6 "High Water Mark" PROLOGUE: In my journey through this life I have achieved great things, and I have lost them all. May the following words serve as a war...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:32:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can Vol. 5 "Lost and Found"

4:24 PM - Crap, Falcon, Can Vol. 5 "Lost and Found" Prologue: This will be the final addition to series one. There will be a series two, as in the tradition of R. Kelly. I also apologize for the b...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:31:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can Vol.3 "Zen and the Art of Pharmaceuticals"

3:33 AM - Crap, Falcon, Can Vol.3 "Zen and the Art of Pharmaceuticals" PROLOGUE: Due to the fact I'm dealing with a self imposed social quarantine, and the much appreciated feedback from yo...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:30:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can Vol.4 "Bomb, President....Meth Lab"

6:07 PM - Crap, Falcon, Can Vol.4 "Bomb, President....Meth Lab" PROLOGUE: As we witness the final twists of R. Kelly's descent towards total and utter career failure, let us hope that I don't l...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:30:00 GMT

Crap, Falcon, Can Vol.2 "Pseudo Crux of Misfortune"

7:06 PM - Crap, Falcon, Can Vol.2 "Pseudo Crux of Misfortune" PROLOGUE: For starters, let it be known to you, the reader....my last correspondence bearing this title was received by many...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:29:00 GMT