Im a lucky guy. I have a great family, girlfriend and friends. I go to Central Washington University, majoring in Exercis Science. Working out, studying and hanging out with friends and my gf take up most of my time. aim = perky778
running, cycling, weight lifting, reading, apologetics, women, hot tubs, beaches, lakes, hanging out with friends, sitting at starbucks doing absolutely nothing....and im going to start doing triathlons...
braveheart, american pie, full metal jacket, anchor man, blow, tom cats, scary movie, life as a house, lord of the rings, kill bill, super troopers, dodgeball, fightclub...and many many more
sports, real world, friends, becker
great gatsby, black boy, signs of intelligence, darwins black box, i dont have enough faith to be an atheist, darwins god
Jesus, my family, lance armstrong, peter reid