My real name is Thomas, living in France near to Paris. I am 16 so I'm a young producer. My parents describe me as messy and lazy (:p that's not false). I'm often staying for hours in my bedroom to make music, play games,creating maps for games (and when I have some, make my homework:()
So, that page was created to present my musical creations. One of the particularity of them is that there isn't dance basses (weakness or quality?) so I make some melody changes in my soundtracks (but always linked melodies). My music is descripted as strange and my melodies as dark and spac, My music can be qualified as trance music, hardcore, or ambiance (more trance)
In some month I think I will make videos to present my old track that were on my playlist (for exemple I made a track a the game Trackmania nations named Shadowtronik I will make a video with the music on ^^) . I will put too a link to buy my music when the first "album" (only a virtual one) will be finished I 'll make a pack to download all the sounds in one. Of course new sounds will come, I hope you will like them ^^.And good listening
...................NOW LISTEN MY FIRSTS SOUNDS IN THE ORDER ^^ I tell the story of a the human migration in another planet and their death...............................