This is my girlfriend, Ariana. She is the most confusing woman you will ever meet, but my life wouldn't be the same without her. soo many memories. <33 This is Derek. This kid has been my best friend since the FIRST day I moved to Illinois back in 2nd grade. There is no way I would be here without this kid. LOL, This is David. He is a very calm, timid kid, but he is so nice and impossible to hate. He is always there when needed and is a great listener. He can be Hilarious =] This is Peter. He is fucking HILARIOUS and impossible to understand unless you've seen every movie ever created or have known him for atleast two years. He is a goofball and you can NEVER TRUST HIM WITH YOUR CELLPHONE or hilarity will ensue. This is Sam. Him and I have been best friends since 7th grade. He falls asleep alot, hence the drawing on his face. He's a goofball, and a kind kid. He likes to argue, and it's funny to listen. hahaIf you would like to be up here, just let me know. =]