I'd like to meet:
Wild and wacky people with a wick sense of humour and know how 2 have fun. But also know how 2 respect othas. Love meetin new peeps yea.
Get to Know Me
...About You...
Nickname Tezza
Sex Female
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Dark brown with light streaks in it now
Height yea bout that....
Favorite Color purple/blue
Screen Name wateva
Your Car got none
Your Hometown Born in pirie
Your Present Town Whyalla
Your Crush's First Name lol not tellin
Your Grade friggin A
Your Style all me own
Band cant choose
Movie 13 ghosts
TV show supernatural
Song clumsy/big girls dont cry
Color Purple
Cigarette none
Pastime readin if cant get sum...
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop nope unless u include a dugouts roof??
Kissed someone in the rain yea so sweet
Danced in a public place all the time
Smiled for no reason as above
Laughed so hard you cried and so that it hurts but cant stop
Peed your pants after age 8 dont think so
Written a song yes 4 my nanna who passed and sum more
Sang to someone for no reason yea sure have
Performed on a stage yea a few times
Talked to someone you don't know yep yep
Made out in a theater well i wont kiss and tell...
Gone roller skating since 8th grade dont think so
Been in love like to think so
A near death experience dont know
Sang in front of a large audience i sure have. luv karaoke
...Can You...
Write with both hands yep yep
Whistle yea
Blow a bubble yea and dont even need gum.lol
Roll your tongue and twist it and a couple of gd things
Cross your eyes yep it freaks people out
Touch your tongue to your nose nope
Dance think so, mayb
Speak a different language only me own
Impersonate someone yea
Cook anything hell yea can i cook
...Are you...
Fighter verbally
Smoker i gave up tho i have a puff here and there when i drink
Drinker when i can
Stalker not tellin.lol
Man eater mmm
Man hater not really.lol
Lover well i do try...
War freak nope
Heartbreaker dont think so
In love like to think so
Bossy no, sumtimes, most times, oh i give up
Friendly can i say as above??
What is your current mood? thoughtful
Does your crush like you back? hope so but yea...
What makes you happy? geez do i have to name them all??
Elaborate on your default photo cels and me bday party. geez i lub that girl
Name one thing you do a lot smile and laugh
Name someone with the same b-day as you me cousin liam(14 yrs apart)
Are you comfortable with your height yea i am
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... butterfly, i would b free
I wish ... i knew wat i was bribblin on about here
So many people don't know ... that im not really human...
I am ... if i told ya i'd have ta kill ya
My heart is ... gone... all my friends have a piece and i have none
Pet Peeves ... ants and back stabbers
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