† Death.From.Above † profile picture

† Death.From.Above †

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About Me

"To be a man means constant revision, like correcting a writing." -Unknown
First name is Ian, I am no longer a civilian. I am a Private First Class, United States Marine Corps. It was the most challenging thing I've ever faced in life but also the greatest accomplishment once completed. Not only was it a physical challenge but even more a mental challenge. Especially for me, being that things back home werent going the way they were suppose to be going. During this time i was betrayed and broken. It tore me down and built me up even stronger. I can now walk with Pride and Self-confidence. I will uphold to our Core Values "HONOR,COURAGE, and COMMITMENT" in every aspect of life. Semper Fidelis means Always Faithful...IM NOW STATIONED IN PENSACOLA FLORIDA, LEARNING HOW TO WORK USMC HELICOPTERS AS AN AVIONICS TECH. WHATS BETTER THAN A BASE RIGHT ON THE BEACH?! ILL BE HERE FOR ANOTHER 6-7 MONTHS, BUT I NOW HAVE INTERNET ACCESS AND USE OF MY CELL PHONE SO FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME HOPEFULLY ILL BE BACK FOR SOME TIME AROUND CHRISTMAS. LOTS OF LOVE AND GOD BLESS...

Which VW Are You?
by Auto Glass Across America
You Are 100% New Jersey!

Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
How New Jersey Are You?

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My Interests


~Volkswagens/God/Real Friends/New Jersey/NothingLeavesStock/Family/Kids/The Beach/Chili's/Communication/Music/Fresh Kicks/Rat Rodz/Dogs(boxers)/Horses/Movies/Dunkin Donuts/Hazelnut Coffee/Heritage/Europe/Long Drives/Laughter/Sunsets & Sunrises/Food from around the World/Edimame/Sundays/Napping/Cuddleing/Spooning/Law Enforcement/Pleasing & Helping Others/Motorcycles/Jesus/Star Lit Skies/Txt Msg'ing/Beer/Jager/Bon-fires/Trying New Things/Holidays/Photography/USMC.
~Haters/Narcotics/Liars/Mondays/Laundry/Bills/Wet Roads/Cats/Watered Down Beer/Trouble/Gossip/Hondas/Guidos/Seperation/Terrorism/The Dentist/Being Sick/Conflict/Worrying/Fake People.

I'd like to meet:

I just look forward to comming home, seeing my FAMILY... Thank you for your Support and Motivation.. I love you all..
"The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration."
Ive got only a handful of TRUE friendships right now and thats good enough for me. They know who they are and they also know I'd take a bullet for them just as they'd do for me. I'll quote a friend of mine with this.. "So many people are fake these days.I try to surround myself with a handful of people that are real and not hundreds that are fake. So many people are not real and follow other people whatever they do. " Choose those close friends wisely. Im pretty easy to get along with if you ask around. And im always willing to listen and help as much as i can.
"The greatest Love is shown when people lay down their lives for their Friends." John 15:13


..Hawthtorne hieghts, thrice, yellowcard, Dashboard Confessional, finch, COHEED, Linkin Park, Story of the Year, Taking back Sunday, Simple Plan, blood brothers, boys night out, jimmy eat world, sum 41, greenday, skindred, the used, armor for sleep, underoath, andolini, evergreen terrace, poison the well, atreyu, keepsake, afi, new found glory, something corporate, incubus, Raahmstein, E-TOWN CONCRETE, rob zombie, sublime, breakin benjamin, slipknot, KORN, 311, hoobastank, high and the mighty,midtown. Wu-tang,g-unit,DR.DRE ,SNOOP DOGG, Beastie BOYS, any old hip hop, some jazz, some techno,some freestyle. I HAVE AN OPEN MIND TO ALLLL KINDS OF MUSIC. I DONT HATE. ITS ALL ABOUT WHO IM W/ AND WHAT KINDA MOOD IM IN!


.. THE KINGDOM, We Own the Night, SAW4, American Gangster, Its a Wonderful Life, Green Street Hooligans, Boondocks Saints, Lords of Dogtown, Haggard, Local Boys, Blue crush, Ronnen, Italian job, The Transporter 1&2, Crank, Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrells, SNATCH, American History X, Fight Club, Harold & Kumar! I can go on and on, but thats good for now!


..Umm not too much TV for me but if I do, it would be the Discovery Channel, CSI, DEXTER, Law & Order, Top Chef, Project Runway, King of Queens and The Hills! .. width="425" height="350">.. ..>


..The Bible, Devotionals, Poetry and PVW.


My Grandfather Ira...Jesus Christ...

My Blog


empty...  Is the sky before the sun wakes up. empty...  Is the eyes of animals in cages. empty... Are the faces of women in mourning...when everything has been taken from them. ME? Don't as...
Posted by Death.From.Above on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:19:00 PST

A good Question...???

A good friend asked me this.....   "The thing is... Did she really open up your eyes or did she only cause them so many tears?" ...
Posted by Death.From.Above on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:10:00 PST


The fields are near and they wont trust the air with secretsI can't stop holding this treasure in my armsall the water in the ocean could never turnthe swans legs from black to whitelet them say. let ...
Posted by Death.From.Above on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 10:06:00 PST