and I am an artist, and trying to conquer this world in my way..well it is just big dream. but I am pretty serious... and here are some ongoing and upcoming projects to realize my dream!
Group shows
"Giant Robot San Francisco - 15 YEARS"
"The Monster Show" curated by Travis Louie
"Kokeshi: From Folk Art to Art Toy"
"Group exhibition (TBA)"
MIKOSA Issue 04 A4 size hand made magazine from Mikosa Foundation in Amsterdam! I am one of ten artists, featured in this magazine, it is pretty amazing book and check out their site.
you are able to have all 10 paper craft cubes designed by 10 artists! Mikosa Foundation - De Wittenstraat 25/1 1052 AK Amsterdam - The Netherlands Phone/Fax: +31 (0)20 4865824 Email: [email protected]
"SPAINSEIFUKU" for the Wallpapers project at MAXALOT GALLERY in Barcelona! I dedicate painting to Antonio Gaudà Who is always super duper inspiring to make me exhale and motivate..
And also, I am featured in The GNOMON WORKSHOP website,