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What is Novelspot?
Novelspot is a place for people who love books.
We cover many genres (and one day hope to cover all genres) and all styles.
We review both print books and ebooks. We have columns and articles by up and coming authors.
We host chats and author days on the Novelspotters Yahoo group.
We offer inexpensive advertising to those just starting out. Banners and Shrines But mostly we love books. That's why you're here, isn't it?
Who is Novelspot?
There is no single person behind Novelspot, but rather a group of dedicated individuals who all love books just as much as you do. Want to learn more about us?
Check out our staff page . There you'll find bios and profiles of all the wonderful people who make Novelspot what it is.
If you're a new staff member, thump me , and get that info to me to get your bio and profile up asap.
How can I advertise on Novelspot?
Novelspot offers advertising opportunities. If you're interested in learning more, send a note at the bottom of the page "contact us."
How can I become a Novelspot Featured Author?
Being a featured author is one of the best ways to promote your books.
book reviews
dynamic interview
author bio
a page of your own
All on Novelspot? A shrine devoted just to your books. Contact us via the comment mail at the foot of the page.
How do I arrange an interview?
If you wish to arrange an interview with Novelspot, email Interview , our interview guru.
Remember, interviews are first come, first serve, so get them in early.
How do I arrange a review?
If you wish to arrange a review with Novelspot, email Review_Request , our review guru.Reviews are not assigned; they are reviewers choice, which increases the likelihood of the author getting a favorable review. Otherwise we might end up assigning our bloodthirsty demon stories to our Harlequin readers, or sedate biographies to our Horror readers and, well, face it authors, once you've been reviewed by someone who doesn't read the kinda stuff that float's your boat, it's not a pretty sight.
How can I get my magazine/book/submission guidelines posted on the forum?
Email your guidelines and the link to your guidelines page to [email protected]. Or you can join and post them yourself.
How do I arrange an author's day?
To get on the calendar for Novelspot
to host an author's day celebrating your new release, promote your book tour, etc,
email Schedule Author's Day Please put Author's Day Request in the subject heading.
What's the difference between an author's day and a chat?
An author's day is held on the Novelspotters Yahoo group list and involves a major commitment in time and energy, but gives an author the best possible exposure.
Author chats last an hour in our Novelspot Chat room, but allow author's to meet their fans "face to face"-at least virtually.
Both Author Day's and Author chats are a great way to get your name out there, absolutely free.
How can I become a part of the Novelspot team?
Novelspot always needs more warm bodies to help with our ongoing project to be the biggest and best multi-genre review site in the Universe. If you'd like to be part of our team, send a brief bio and a review to Allie or Help Wanted Steve's secret address. Don't tell him I told you.
Be smart. If you want to review for us, send us a sample book review. If you want to interview, send a sample interview. If you want to edit or proofread, send credentials.
We have other positions as well-newsletter positions and promotional positions, But you still have to email Steve and give him some idea of who you are, and why the authorities of half the civilized galaxy are after you.
Other opportunities? Novelspot offers author interviews, books reviews, author chats and author days. All of these events need support people.
Write a Monthly Feature on behalf of your publisher.
Anounce a book.
Write an Article.
Write news.
Offer excerpts.
Exchange links.
Become a columnist, and share your words with our growing audience. Have your name added to the Author Directory.
Novelspot is a great new place to show off your talent.
How can I join the Novelspotters Yahoo group?
Want to join the party? There's another Novelspot place where readers and writers mingle.
Where authors host authors days and tell you all about their new books.
Where readers discuss what they like about books from all genres.
Where people share their love for the written word with people who love books just as much as they do.
Still interested?
Just click Join Novelspotters Yahoo Group .
What can I expect down the road from Novelspot?
Those of you who have followed us for the past couple of years know this is our third rebuild. Novelspot is an ongoing project, so you never know what you'll find next.
We are setting up several Novelspot classes for writers and aspiring writers, so If you're interested in particular topics, let us know at Feedback.
Please put Novelspot Classes in the subject line. For more information, stay tuned. There are many other programs in the works for both readers and writers.
If you have an idea of your own and you'd like to help out, why not join our team? Novelspot is a cooperative. With your help, we can make Novelspot the best review site on the Internet.