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Marcus the Custom-made Man

In a land of fake and ignorance, one man struggles not to lose his cool......his name is Marcus Brig

About Me

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Donkey Kong What's Your Porn Star Name?
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Like in nature to a train-riding hobo
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Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is... Soft
During Lovemaking You Act... Like a vampire, very seductive
Your Partner Is... Your best friend
Your Partner Has Said That You... Are their only love
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote. "I love your lips"
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Are You a Ninja, Pirate, Viking, or Samurai?

You are very honorable and fair. You respect people and nature, and you probably regret most of your sins. You're probably a pretty dangerous fighter, too.
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My Interests

You Should Learn Japanese
You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! What Language Should You Learn?

I'd like to meet:

Damn, at this site....well anybody. Why be picky?I am definitely not! I would love to get some love from the guys and girls who love hip-hop, jazz, soul music, and independent filming. HOT DAMN I love my movie camera! I've been to Texas, but not too many people contacted me out there, but I still did meet some interesting people. Now I am in California, and I might be here to say! I'm lost out here. I don't know anyone and I still haven't got the hang of these cell phones (I've been living in Japan for 3 years) but I hope to get into the groove of things soon. Holla back Cali! Also anybody working on films or looking for assistance, I'll be your host and your best boy grip!lol Just let me film!


I am a hip-hop digger. I love to take underground hip-hop and bring it to the masses! You see, underground hip-hop artists alot of times don't have the money, clothes, cars, and hoes to rap about, so they have to rap about things that really matter in life, and THAT'S what good hip-hop is!


OldBoy (Korean), Running Scared, Devil's Backbone (Spanish), 40 year Old Virgin, Borat!,Serenity, Human Traffic(English), Go, Audition (Japanese),Weather Man, Little Miss Sunshine, Crash,Fresh, Tsotsi(African)... I'm a movie fantatic, I'll have to add more later.


The Shield- You don't know about The Shield, Vic Mackey should come to your house and kick your ass. The Simpsons and South Park- Who doesn't like that stuff?Insomniac- Dave Attel exploring the world drunk and late! I'm still looking for when he went to Japan, the episode called "Sloshed in Translation"Firefly- Man what a good sci-fi western, space cowboys n' shit. Too bad nobody saw how great it was then.Supernatural- These white boys are way too pretty for the work they do, but it is still a good show.Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law- He had Scooby on possesion charges, and Fred Flinstone on mob ties.lolSealab 2021- Always been a fan of this adult swim showRobot Chicken- Now that's some bold claymation!


I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell By Tucker Max.


ManMan. I'll explain later