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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello, I'm Jon.

These things are horrible to write, who knows what to say? Countless thoughts going through your head: "does writing this make me sound like a pretentious wank? Does anyone actually care?" You know, so bleh. Here goes.

I try to be as a good a person as I can be, which usually means bending over backwards to do as much for the people I care about as possible. This is something that makes me happy, and I doubt I'll ever change. Take advantage though, and you'll know about it. I think honesty is something that is important, so I try to be as honest as possible. It can mean that I'm a little blunt but I never try to be offensive. I like to think that I'm very easy-going and a lot of fun to be around. I love nothing more than going out with friends, getting drunk and dancing to random music. The bond you have with people when you're off your face bouncing to The Proclaimers is like nothing else. The unspoken appreciation... it's special. Going to gigs is something I do too often, yet not enough. Some of the best gigs I've been to are Bad Religion, Sage Francis, Flogging Molly, Tool and Propagandhi. I've even been known to travel to Edinburgh on my own to see gigs. I'm dedicated, man.

I currently a student at Glasgow University studying Computing Science. I'm in 3rd year. As well as being a student I have a part-time job at Tesco Metro in Glasgow City Centre. It's not bad at all, it's not the hardest job in the world, it pays reasonably well and you can get a good laugh out of it. That's if you ignore the junkies and prostitutes than come in at 10pm on a Sunday night. My other responsibility is that I'm on the Board of Management at the Queen Margaret Union. You may hear me bitching about this, but I love it really and it's helped me grow as a person. I've met some really amazing people here, too.

Anyway, here are some things I like (in no order):

Music, Keeping busy, friends and family, drinking, Glasgow, girls, hugs, honesty, sarcasm, genuine modesty.

Things I dislike:

Hangovers, arrogance, unnecessary pressure, lies, commercialism.

What I've been listening to recently:

Please, if you're a band and I haven't got you listed in my favourite music section, don't just add me. I won't accept. At least message me first. It's bloody annoying otherwise!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone, really.Provided you're not a twat, of course.

My Blog

Exams (2)

I just read my last blog post about exams. It was posted over a year ago, about my second year exams.It makes me laugh now. Life was so easy then.
Posted by on Thu, 24 May 2007 07:18:00 GMT


Exams are finished at last, yay! Exams are totally wank, aren't they? I mean, you do sweet F.A. during the whole semester, then all of a sudden they expect you to work. Come on, what's with that? ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 17:23:00 GMT

Yawn... quiz...

[A is for age:] 18... but practically 19. [B is for booze of choice:] Carona preferably, but since I'm cheap I just drink Stella. [C is for career:] Something computing related, that isn't a pro...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 11:42:00 GMT

Freshers' Week

Hihi! Just a little post to let you know what I got up to in Freshers' Week! On Monday myself, Doug, Andrew and Phil headed off to the Freshers' ceilidh. It was super good fun for the most part, how...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:54:00 GMT

Back Back to Glasgow

Hi again!!! How is everyone? Well, as the title suggests I'm back in Glasgow again for the joys that is freshers' week! Hopefully this will be a very fun week, even though I'm no longer a fresher. I...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 13:49:00 GMT

Back to Fife

Heylo! This is just a quick post to let you all know that I'm home in Fife tomorrow (Friday 26th) for 2 weeks. This is cause my resit is finished, and I want to get back! I had really quite a good su...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 06:25:00 GMT


I had my Maths 1R resit today, and by God it was a fucking joke. It was awful. The thing is, I don't like maths in any way. I just have to do it for my CS degree, and the fact that it puts me under ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:22:00 GMT