alias glee profile picture

alias glee

About Me

Finally. Something stirs. The sleepy creature that is alias glee puts one cautious foot in front of the other and leaves its shadowy cave for the world outside. This ten-legged musical beast, easily mistaken for five, instrument- weilding humans, is making its way to a music venue near you. please, do come along.
alias glee are an original and progressive-alternative outfit. Their sound is a mesh of rock and electronica which has drawn comparisons to the likes of Massive Attack, Radiohead and Tool. Sweeping instrumentals and melodic, vocal-driven songs course through the veins of their intense live performances
alias glee's self adapted studio is located in one of the oldest parts of Dublin. From a seemingly derelict house under the shadow of the Guinness brewery, they slowly churn out their distinctively dark brew of rich soundscapes, intricate rhythms and textured vocals. Their existence in this building, as part of a small, underground musical collective has allowed the band the luxury of almost complete independence from the rest of the Dublin music scene. This in part, has contributed to the infectious originality that embodies everything that alias glee do.
Some comments*
"Moody melodies and a very good singer" - Hotpress
"...amoung the best musicians I've seen in Dublin in ages... alias glee definitely have it" - Iris Magazine
"powerful and engaging live, alias glee will be impossible to ignore." - The Pulse, DCAL FM
*the nice ones

My Interests


Member Since: 20/08/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: John, Caff, Brian, Liam, Jack

check out the Overtime Music video below

see a better quality version here...

join our mailing list here

Influences: (influenced as in us individually, not always our music :) Mansun, Mogwai, Pixies, Massive Attack, Tool, Mars Volta, QOTSA, My Vitriol, Seafood, at the drive-in, yeah yeah yeahs, interpol, smashing pumpkins, radiohead, cooper temple clause, nada surf, my bloody valentine, sigur ros, m83...
Sounds Like: Bits of above bands, bits of this, that and the other... and ourselves
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

lastnights video launch

first, thanks to everyone who made it to the launch lastnight, i know wednesday isn't the best night to let your hair down so cheers! the video looks amazing thanks to jonnys hard work. i wish wish ha...
Posted by on Thu, 10 May 2007 12:33:00 GMT


the overtime single/video launch has been changed from the 19th of april to the 9th of May, same place though - 4 Dame Lane with Innate supporting. Hope to see ya there
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:12:00 GMT


Thursday the 19th of April sees the launch of the Overtime single and video. The video was directed and produced by our very talented best pal and housemate Jonny McCauley, we can't wait to show it of...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 03:17:00 GMT

bits and pieces

post about gigs and overtime video here
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 03:34:00 GMT

New track available here...

Hey, a demo of a brand new alias glee track can be heard here!It's called Till the End and it should give you a taster of what'll be on the album, enjoy, a.g.
Posted by on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:57:00 GMT

New Recordings

well we promised new music, and in very not-alias glee style we deliver!... full post here... alias glee blog
Posted by on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 17:27:00 GMT

Recording time

tomorrow we setup to record drums for overtime, waiting game and possibly | hopefully death by misadventure. we plan on releasing overtime as a single later in summer and also send it into hard workin...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:42:00 GMT

Kilkenny gig

we like cleeres in kilkenny, its a, small, dark and pokey. its usually used as a theatre which is probably why i liked it so much having fallen for all things theatre. we've been thinking of recording...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 13:48:00 GMT

The Stables, Mullingar

new entry here: alias glee diary
Posted by on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 06:29:00 GMT

buy our E.P. anomie

FINALLY. our 5 - track EP anomie can be purchased from our website ... cheers
Posted by on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:23:00 GMT