reading, writing, music, shopping... games and cruising with amanda and not paying her for gas. these guys right here
You are a Go-Go Girl! Yay you!
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
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Your Daddy Is Darth Vader
What You Call Him: Dada
Why You Love Him: He takes you to church
Who's Your Daddy?
the american analog set, aloha, moving units, every time i die, ex models, the microphones, spankrock, femme fatality, glassjaw, styrofoam, we are wolves, O pioneers!!!, this bike is a pipe bomb, ted leo and the pharmacists, test icicles, the ravonettes, sex positions, the white stripes (de stijl only), test icicles, mos def, stereo totale, teddy geiger, the libertines, the rapture....i can go on if you want me too.
star trek movies, not the best movies, but, somewhere, deep down, they arent that bad. kind of....Monty Python movies, Kevin Smith Movies.
But none of these compare to
REBOOT! represent. Huff...Greys Anatomy...and of course Corner Gas. (what can i say??)
any Douglas Coupland book. any and all of them. John Irving. same thing. ive been reading all of their books lately. so i cant really think of any others. but i do recommend the Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd. that was an amazing book. ive read it twice. and no one, mostly the ladies, cant deny that they dont like the Shopaholic books. im sorry, i know you probably lose a hole bunch of brain cells reading them, but everything she says is me on a good day. impluse buying. the thing that keeps mosst of us living with our parents because we spend all our savings...
everyone, this is norman. hes a cool guy. and hes in a cool movie. called sidekick. go see it. ♥ Cheryl Fall