mostly water sports such as canoeing & kayaking ,river rafting,diving and yes i do love outdoor outings!!, collect perfume, tgk movie, collect nike presto shoe,collect nike rules!!!!! and quicksilver items,eating,CoFFee,ChEEss CaKe, The MIght ReD ArMy (MaN UtD), Fast Car, Driving, Aktiviti panjat-memanjat aka climbing, Toys Figure
LiKe To HaVe A LoT Of FrEnD's....A person who have same interest with me..........outdoor!!!!!!.....UM KaYAkEr, my best buddy=Hafis+Azna+Nana+Helmi (FreND FoReVer GuyS)
Universal (boleh terima mana2 music kecuali music cina dan india(termasuk hindustan)
LOTR, T3, Bad Boys 1 and 2, Fast and Furious and 2fast 2furiuos, The Rock, Tomb Rider 1 and 2(because i LUV jolie), Vertical limit, Behind enemy line, 50 First Date, 10 things hate about u,Enemy at the gate, XXX, Down to u,The Count of Monte Cisto, ThE DaY After ToMorrOW, BlACk HawK DoWn, ThE ThIN ReD LiNE
Mind of married men,LOVE or MONEY2, X-plore Race, Amazing Race
LOTR, FHM, Civil Engineering Books and Journal