Music, medicine, flowers, jewelry, art, nature, fishing, my pets, my computer
Someone who enjoys riding seatless bicycles naked during a hailstorm through a briar patch infested with rabid badgers... And Adrien Greiner... ♥
Recently Added to my iPod
Collective Soul, The Verve, Oasis, Coldplay, Embrace, Audioslave, The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Train, Default, Incubus, Theory of a Deadman, Blessid Union of Souls, Default, Eagles, Three Dog Night, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Puddle of Mudd, REM, Everlast, Josh Turner, George Strait, Hank Jr, Incubus, Gavin Rossdale, James Blunt, Jet, Montgomery Gentry, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, The Raconteurs, Snow Patrol, White Stripes, Robbie Williams, Angie Aparo, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Marcy Playground, The Shore, Steve Miller Band, Nine Inch Nails, Lifehouse, Matchbox 20, Alanis Morisette, Staind, Sarah McLaghlan, Stone Temple Pilots, Silvertide, Silverchair, Better than Ezra, mostly all oldies 60's - 70's, some 80's, some rap, some country, and really just a little bit of everything... If you turned on my iPod you'd find that I have pretty eclectic taste.
Gone with the Wind, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Forrest Gump, Awakenings, Wedding Crashers, The Shawshank Redemption, Lonesome Dove, Ice Age, Gladiator, Green Mile, The Boondock Saints, The Rock, Slingblade, Lonesome Dove, Legends of the Fall, To Kill a Mockingbird, Walk The Line, King of California
Anything with Tom Hanks, Jack Nicholson, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, or Robert Deniro
I try to watch as little as possible, but every now and then I'll watch American Idol with my folks.
The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Bible, Gone with the Wind, Blind Obedience, Any Chicken Soup for the soul book
God, Jesus Christ, my parents (for putting up with me)
Favorite Quotes & Verses
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on you own understanding. - Matthew 11:28
I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. There would never be an escalator temporarily out of order sign, only an escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience. - Mitch Hedberg
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matthew 6:34
"Do unto to others as you'd like done to you."
"Everything has beauty. Not everyone sees it." - Gandhi
"Time you enjoy waisting is not time waisted."
"Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands: a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world." - Sidney Lovett
"Your mistakes do not define you now. They tell you who you're not."
- 3DD