ReYnaLdo profile picture


AnGeL -//- ReY

About Me

Layout made by IVIike at .

Layouts Straight From The East Coast

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

what is it about me?!hmmm. im a walking contradiction. im weird... noone can seem to get a grasp of who i am... or so id like to in general? well, its like this... i'm an easy going, laid back, relaxed, serious type of guy. there are those times when i do like to enjoy the moments, but its always not at the same moments you would normally enjoy. its hard to outlook in life is totally different from yours. i look at the broader pictures. i can be your best friend... or noone special. it doesnt matter. but just know that i'll always be there... i'm nice... or id like to think im nice... or i'm mean... depending on how you treat me. but i will still be your friend.i'd like to think that i can be a constant figure on someone elses life. i'll slow down to allow you to catch up, but i wont stop you from walking ahead... we'll see each other again... and when we do meet again, id hope there will be a tight hug to greet me. hugs are nice, its reassuring.i never like to walk away from anyone.. its not me... id rather have u step forward and leave me behind. at least i can still think of you without full of compassion. i love everyone i meet. but its not always returned. but i understand and i willingly accept that... i will always look at you with innocence and i will only think of you and our happy moments.of course, i do get angry too. i have a lot of patience, and i forgive easily... i can also be negative... i think i always am. but i try to show otherwise. i will always tell you if i think of you badly, so you can tell me otherwise... but dont assume that im judging you. i'm letting you know that i have this ill thoughts of you because i dont want to think of you negatively. i tell you, coz i love you, i tell you, coz youre my friend. i tell you, coz im being honest with u. im sorry if i hurt you by telling you, but id much rather not judge you, i want to understand and get to know you...weird? i know... but that hows my thoughts are proccessed. yah.. i can be negative, but i'll show you the other face as well...

My Blog

my belief...

Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth qu...
Posted by ReYnaLdo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST