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El Capitan

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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.... What about me?... I'm a young guy with alot of experience in alot of things. Still haven't really grown up yet.. j/k
Nah, I'm really a decent guy.. gentleman and scholar of course, but I have my sins, I'm not innocent.. and I'm not guilty either; damn if I haven't done some crazy and wild shit.
Of course, I wanna be in a relationship... who wants to be alone. But it's gotta be the right girl... sexy, sweet, affectionate.. those are great qualities. I can give as much as get, but I don't take what I can get... I want more.
I like to party, I'm game for anything exciting, and I'm prone to spontaneous acts of wildness most nights; when the clubs aren't appealing and the bars have faded in fun, do the unexpected, and have someone with you.
I've moved around the world, lived in several countries, and now I'm here in Texas to live for the future. I'm very open and easy to talk to, laid back kinda guy who loves to be sociable and go out to do anything real. I'm just moving back to Gatesville, TX., to be with my family which I miss very much. So we'll see what happens.

My Interests

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I enjoy music, mostly alternative rock, but i get into anything really if it's good. I play the guitar, been in several bands, got some cool demo's and a list of hangovers from bar gigs. I love surfing, the beach around summertime just has that appeal of adventure and excitement that I look for. I used to be a skater back in the day, but gave that up as I got a little older. Reading's on the list of interests, I read alot, most nights before I go to bed, keeps me literate I guess. Party's, Clubs, Bars, Hotels, Beer, Liqour, Movies, Beautiful women. That tops it off. Man, I'm so freaking RUSTY, but I have this really cool digital camera to record things with, and just got a guitar to play with once again after about a year, so I'm just going guitar wild, even though it's not quite up to par with what I'm used to playing and sounding like.. it's still cool to have.. and the guitar is a bit hard to play, the neck is slightly warped so it doesn't stay in tune, that, and it's hard to make the fingerings.. i'm used to thinner neck's. softer frets. but HERE IT IS! haha. i'll play better next week. ..

.. ..

I'd like to meet:


Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / The flame and the rose

Get this layout or more Tropical Island MySpace Layouts .Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 90% The Flash 85% Green Lantern 70% Catwoman 70% Superman 65% Wonder Woman 60% Iron Man 60% Supergirl 55% Robin 45% Hulk 45% Batman 45% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test


Here's some realllllly old music I made a long time ago when I first started playing guitar, I just fished it out of the abyss of old pages online i used to have. lol, click on em, enjoy, don't be critical, it's my firsts.. okay, the site has a delay in the 'download' so just look at the bottom left of page, it couts 11 seconds then you click download... what can you do eh? it's free filestorage! haha. =)


.... I watch how the moon, sits in the sky in the dark night...
Shining in the light from the Sun, and the Sun doesn't give the light to the moon assuming-
.... the moon's gonna owe it one
It makes me think of how you act with me and do..
favors then rapidly - just turn around and start askin' me about..
things that you want back from me
I'm sick of the tension - sick of the hunger - sick of you acting like I owe you this...
find another place to feed your brain, while I find a place to rest.

Maybe someday I'll be just like you and - step on people like you do...
And runaway all the people I - thought I knew..
I remember back then who you were.You used be calm - used to be strong - used to be generouse but you should've known,
how you'd.. wear out your welcome and now you see - how quiet it is all alone. .. .. .. .. ..I love offspring! They rock.. seriously!..


MySpace Comments Glitter Graphics.. ..
.. .... ..300 THIS IS SPARTA!
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Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time (well, if you can get passed the hour of description he writes, it's an awesome series and worth the hours of reading)Stephen King - The Gunslinger (good series, dark tower)


God bless our Military and soldiers fighting for freedom in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. Fucker's are the badest mo'fo's in the world, most highly trained and dedicated to kill for our country. I salute you. Fuck with the U.S.A., they'll come knockin' your door.. trust me. Takes real guts, balls, and honor. Here's my tribute:


My Blog

Back From the PCB

Man, Panama City Beach, Florida.. let me tell you wuuuuttt..  it was awesome, it all started at the airport in Austin, ATX, sports bar called lucky's, a new earing, a fresh beer, and a ticket to ...
Posted by El Capitan on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 04:22:00 PST

Hard at work

Man, yesterday was my first day of hard manual labor.. I decided that i wanted a 'real' job and thought it'd be cool to do some construction work to pass the time while on 'holiday' at my parents.. I...
Posted by El Capitan on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 11:21:00 PST

The lost road

What is the meaning behind words spoken, if you have no essence stemming from mind, soul, and wisdom, then you can't really speak.. you are mute.  If you have no understanding of forgiveness, mer...
Posted by El Capitan on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:46:00 PST


How many late night phone calls can I get from a drunk ex girl friend before my heart breaks?.. that's it, I hope you read this Alicia, don't call me anymore, don't think of me anymore, and maybe, on...
Posted by El Capitan on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:40:00 PST