Beauty Fades but Dumb is Forever profile picture

Beauty Fades but Dumb is Forever

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Where do I begin? I started out life in a small townin Central New York and didn't move to Georgia until I was 34 years old. I always thought I would stay where I grew up, but opportunities for my children and family simply were not enough there, so we left to make it in a new town, a new place, with no friends, until we met a few that were keepers over the past few years. I miss my family and the holidays are hard as hell, especially when my birthday (February 4th) rolls around, and I cannot celebrate it with my mother whose birthday also lands on that day (plus my father who passed away in 1991).
I'm easy to get along with for the most part, but have strong political and religious views that sometimes offend people. I stick to my guns and figure that people either will love me or hate me and very few who are in between. I believe in second chances, but sometimes, there's a point in time in your life to let go of people who once were your friend and you need to move on to whatever your destiny was supposed to be. People don't make it to your future for a reason. I am now strong enough in who I am and what I represent that I do not need certain friends or people around me to define who I am.
Only I can define who I am.
I am a psychic who has been doing readings for almost 8 years now. I do not seek fame and fortune and do such for those who truly need it. I have a web site to send requests for readings if that is what you are seeking
I am in the midst of writing my first book I intend topublish myself. I know it was my calling since I was a young child. I am excited at the prospect of getting that first book out, because I know once that one is done, the others will come easier.
I have been a seamstress for 20 years this year and am proud to say it is the one thing I have stuck to my enire life aside from writing. I love fashion and love to create miniature fashions, especially for a doll names "Hitty". She represents simpler times and a time when people weren't so hung up on looks and how much money you had. It was all about struggling to make a good life and working hard, and family meant more than anything in this world. also enjoy designing MOD clothing for Barbie and friends. I've done it for years and it seems to be my niche. This year, 2009, is a year to go back to my roots and do some more designing, just because.
I turn 39 this year and am going to be a grandmother for the first time! I recently found out I am having a granddaughter, and I am so excited at the prospect of a little girl I can buy dolls for and make clothing for as she grows up. I am looking forward to teaching her to read and become a strong woman just like her mother.Family is extremely important to me, much more than any friend or any amount of money will ever be. They come first and always will. Many of my friends have also become my family, so if you are in this category, you mean a lot to me.
I am a VERY political person. I agree to disagree for the most part about just about anything! I challenge outdated beliefs, those that push their religious beliefs on people or who think their way is the only way of thinking.
2009 is a year of change for me and this I know deep down in my soul. I will be a 1st time author, 1st time grandmother, and who knows what others 1sts may come? I know I am adventurous enough to take life as it comes, but I like to MAKE things happen. I am no longer in the stage of my life to wait for things to happen. Life is too short to waste it simply existing.
I want to LIVE!
"Nobody walks this life alone. We all have the ghosts of our decisions and the words of our peers, our parents, and those that love us, to follow. No, you are never alone, but you must learn that the life you lead is yours and MAKE it your own, rather than what someone else wants it to be."
~Quote by Ghostdarlin AKA Reverend Jody

"Science is the most realistic religion there is"
Quote by Miki (my youngest daughter)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am open to most individuals. If you're out to peddle your music, I'll give you a try. Don't send me anything that is violent in nature or anything that promotes racism, because it just is NOT happening where I am at. I have a lot of black people I consider my extended family and they have helped me in tough times and been like my children. You don't like it? Well, look elsewhere.

I'd like to meet people who want to make this world a better place. I want to meet those who want to make changes in this world through education and discovery and research.

My Blog

A Tidbit of History-Freemason Ideals had More to Do With Creating the USA than Christians

Today is July 4th,and we get to celebrate the 232nd anniversary of the creation of the United States of America. On July 4, 1776, representatives from the original thirteen colonies signed the Declara...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 07:50:00 GMT

I Need to Get Me an Edumacashun

I thought I had the neighbors from hell, where I used to live, but really, since I have moved all has been pretty serene. I had noticed, however, especially in the past 3 weeks or so, my dogs have bee...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 18:26:00 GMT

A Word...or Three...About Michael Jackson

You know, when my daughter got the text that he had died, I said, uh-uh! No way! It's got to be one of those stupid forwards. Next thing I know, she's confirming it is true and I spoke with my mother ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 10:06:00 GMT

Damn...It's Been a While

It's amazing how you can go a long period of time and seem to drop out of sight. It's amazing how life changes so fast in the blink of an eye. It's also amazing how fast kids grow up, we grow old, and...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 08:41:00 GMT

Quickie Update

Life has a lot of twists and turns and God knows I've had a hell of a ride the last few months. It's been a long time since I last blogged but have no internet right now for a lot of reasons-one mainl...
Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 12:24:00 GMT

Planning a Baby Shower and Headaches-Not Necessarily Related!

I never planned a baby shower before. I went to one for my oldest sister way back when which was a bit to-do because she had all these friends and such, plus his side of the family AND our side of the...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 11:14:00 GMT

I Don't Care About Holidays and VD

I am a sad, sad creature. You know why? I just realized I no longer care about holidays! My birthday-eh-whatever...Valentine's Day-eh-whatever...about the only one I care to celebrate is Christmas and...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 06:49:00 GMT

The IRS, Friday the 13th and VD

Ahhh...Friday the 13th-day of superstitious activity and hocus-pocus that people think is a horrible day! Black cats, witches, spells, hexes, curses, you name it, people think everything bad is associ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 19:46:00 GMT

To My Homeboy

I know someone who is struggling with his identity right now. Someone I have come to love as one of my own. I know I can't save everyone and not everyone was meant to be saved. I was lucky-I was saved...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 20:25:00 GMT

Women Are Opinionated Even BEFORE They Are Born! LOL

I learned something today. Women are opinionated at every age-even before they are born! Yes, I am a woman, and yes, I am opinionated! Obviously, my granddaughter is as well!We went for my daughter to...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 08:54:00 GMT