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Eazy Duz It

I am here for Friends

My Interests


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These mother fuckers make the world go 'round.

S. Dot Rumble Beezy B Daaaave My cousins Dan Da Man

Danhollaaa Leona Corey Darci Shelby

My name's Eric.
Last name; Smith.
My friends call me Eazy, or just E (find the logic).
I'm 21 and stay on the southside of Atlanta, and work on the northside.
Born an raised here, but I'm northern by blood. All my family lives in New York, mostly the Hamptons, sucks for me.
But oh well, I cant complain, gotta live how I can.
And I love the 'A'.
But I HATE the traffic.

By the way, I cuss a lot but it's just me.
I don't, however, cuss in front of my parents, friends parents, their friends, etc. etc. basically my 'elders'.

I'm about 6' even and 169lbs.
I eat everything under the sun and anything I can get my hands on.
I think I only manage to stay slim is the work I do, busting ass all day.
But I'm not complaining.
I like my job.

I do wheels & tires, wholesale.
So it's mainly just for dealerships and retail stores.
But I hook my friends up, cause I'm cool like that and stuff.

Unfortunately I'm really shy and every girl I know becomes my friend.
Not that it's a bad thing, but it tends to get lonely sometimes.
I also apparently have the worst luck with women, as the 3 'girlfriends' I've had have cheated on me, and also my 'ex-fiance'.. with her ex.

I'm very outgoing and active, I hate being stuck in the house with nothing to do all the time.
But unfortunately that looks like my situation at the moment due to 'complications' in me losing my license and being on probation.
A lot of my friends have pretty much abandoned me in the last year since they all smoke weed and I quit a long time ago cause it got really ooold and just didn't do anything for me anymore.
So I don't really hang out with anyone anymore, I'm pretty much a loner.
But I guess that's on them....

I have done a lot of ruthless things in my few years, a lot of this and that and whatnot...
But I'm actually clean now, not because of probation, just because I felt shit gets old and I just really need to clean my act up.
I realized my problem was being selfish/self-centered a bit always thinking of me, me, ME and not other people.
Doing anything for Eric.
Everything is about Eric.

But now, over the past year or so I've changed drastically.
I honestly try to think about other people before myself.
I love helping people and I always have, just never really showed it.
I consider myself to have a good heart, I think I have my mothers heart.
I'd say I'm rather nice.
I avoid fights, cause I'm just not a violent person.
Though If someone steps out of line...
Not many people hesitate to start swinigin.
And it's like Marcellus Wallace said, 'Fuck pride.'
Fight to survive, not for pride.
Fight fucking dirty.

And ladies...
Don't EVER let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful.
Look em in the eyes, and tell them you are.
...And that they're the one who's fucked up.

And if a guy ever hits you...
Hit him.
...with a bat.


I really don't know what else to say..
I'll probably think of some more later...
I just got off work a bit ago and I'm kinda wore out from the day.

so yea...

I'm pretty much a peoples person.
There aren't many people I can't or don't get along with.
I DO have a smartass mouth.
..sometimes gets me in shit
but eh.. If you don't like it..
..fuck off

I love animals
..All of 'em
I've owned...
6 ball pythons, almost got strangled by one when I was 7 or 8 haha
1 bermese
1 copperhead my dad caught in the fron yard, crazy fucker
1 redtail boa
and a black rat snack I caught when I was like 8 or 9.
1 siberian husky, Athena, the most beautiful dog I've ever seen but she had mange
3 dobermans, Thor, Mac, and Loki.. I wish I still had em
2 ferrets
1 hedgehog lol, and of course.. no doubtedly named Sonic
Various iguanas, lizards and chameleons
2 tarantulas
Countless cats, most notedly Boots, Max & Timmy (named after Timmy on southpark cause he's a lil slow)
..my first dog, Foxy
..And my dog now, Jackie we found at an animal shelter online. Fully trained. Won't get on the furniture, playful-ass dog. Doesn't beg for table food. Will NOT use the bathroom inside even if.. accidently left inside for a day or 2.. oops..
She has OGD for dogs.. dont ask! They called it Obcessive Greeting Disorder. She loves to greet people when they come in the house. Even if your just gone for 20mins and come back. She'll see you comin through the window and bolt to the door and wait for it to open.
Dunno why someone gave her up. She's a great dog.

I love food.
All of it.
There's (next to) nothing I won't eat, save olives, ick..
Mac & Cheese isss thaaaa BOOOOOOOMMBBB
Along with anything my mom cooks fucking eh
I'm surprised I'm not about 300lbs with all the shit I eat.
..but I guess working pays off burning my energy.

I have too much energy.
Sometimes people think I'm on somethin cause I'm too damn hyper.
I tend to talk a lot sometimes.
I think I get on peoples nerves a bit hah
but fuck em.

Feeling under the ground beneath ya.

So I've been single for yet another year.
But I guess I've always been single. So it's nothing new.
Everyone knows I've pretty much always been single, eh ?
And I used to kinda like it.
Freedom to do what I want.
Nothing holding me back, but me.
Just be me.

But my mom's been out of town for a few days now.
And I really have nothing to do except pretty much sit here.
So I'd say I've had a lot of time to think.

Kickin back and chillin pretty much.
Cooking dinner and eating.
Watchin TV on the bigass couch.
Watchin movies in bed when I lay down to sleep.
Doing everything.

I think it's finally starting to get to me.
I don't know why.
I think it's just 'everything.'
I mean there's a lot of people I like, but I'm too shy to do or say anything.
And even if I did, most of them have somebody.
Everyone has 'somebody.'
I wish I did.
Just someone to talk to.
And someone to listen to.
Someone to hold, that will hold me right back.
Not neccessarily someone to say 'I love you' because those are strong words.
But just 'someone.'

I'm falling apart.
Little by little.
I think I'm dying inside.

But no one else feels it.

I want to cry.

Feeling kinda odd right now, I dunno...

Ok, so I've spent countless hours, like everybody else...
Making a checklist of 'what I want in a girl.'
But it finally occured to me, that that's exactly what I DON'T want.
So I reitereated by 'checklist' and come up with this...

This is the kind of girl I want to go for me.
NOT the kind of girl I would go for.
Now, Re-read that a few times ok..... then continue.

I don't want a 'checklist girl.'
I don't want a girl who is looking for a guy to fulfill the correct set of criteria.
- i.e. I have the right job.
- Make the right amount of money.
- I'm the right height and/or weight.
- I live in the right area.
- My dick is the right size.
- I have the right social status.
- etc etc.

I'm not perfect.

I want a girl who likes me, for me.
Not because I'm hitting all the tick boxes on her checklist.

In my case, I may be looking for something that simply does not exist.

I seem to be looking for that magic 'x-factor' in a girl.
And the girl won't leave me because of this magic invisible factor.
I don't want to be a 'perfect match' for her.
- Everything she's looking for.
Because if at some point, if I no longer meet her requirements...
- The relationship is over.

On the other hand...
I may, myself, be creating a situation where I'm creating a 'requirement' that can never be fulfilled.
- Because nothing can be 'that' perfect.
- And nothing can be really known without question.

But I dunno...
- Just me.

What would you do
if every time you wanted someone
they would never be there?
What would you do
if for every moment
you were truly happy
there would be 10 moments
of sadness?
What would you do
if your best friend
died tomorrow
and you never got to tell them
how you felt?

Let old friends know
you haven't forgotten them,
and tell new friends
you never will.

everyone needs a friend.

Don't ever leave
the one u love
for the one u like,
because the one u like
will leave u
for the one they love.