L33T M4S73R J03Y profile picture

L33T M4S73R J03Y

I am lost and alone in an evil, loveless world.

About Me

II am not sure how to sum me up in a few sentences. I will do what I can, but if you really want to know me, hang out with me. I have a certain energy, or aura about me that is hard to describe, but people seem to like it. My life is melancholic but I seem to have fun and hang through it all. In reality, most people have a melancholic life. I don't drink at least not so far... A lot of people want me to. Some people don't care. Some want me to wait until I turn 21 and then expect me to have fun, course I have since turned 21 and have yet to 'have fun.' I may drink, but I don't know, I don't care really. I have no reason to. Life sucks and I decided a long time ago to man up and deal with it. The only other reason for me to drink is for the social aspect and because people want me to. Well, I don't deal well with peer pressure. By that, I don't believe peer pressure affects me, unless I want it to. If I don't want to do something, I wont. I don't smoke or chew, I think its gross and a waste of money. Actually thats no loner true. I sometimes smoke a bit of hookah, basically just natural tobacco with flavored molasses and its usually only one or two hits. I'm a jack of all trades, decent at many things but not great at anything. I am single and wish I wasn't. A life devoid of love is not a life I wish to live.

My Interests

I like video games, anime, dungeons and dragons. I like computers, I like to read and write. I love words. I enjoy philosophy and debating, especially debates over pointless things.

My Tokyopop Profile

I'd like to meet:

People. Fun People.Fred Gallagher of MegaTokyo
God, so I ask him what kind of a sick joke human existence is.


Queen and The Muse are like Heaven in a basket. Whatever sounds good, which is most music.


Garden State, Starship Troopers, Batman Begins, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, LOTR, Star Wars, I know there are more that I can't think of right now.


Heroes is pretty fking awesome. Jericho, and a lot of anime...Air, Kanon, Dot Hack //sign, Rah Xephon, Hellsing, and again, more I can't think of.


I haven't been reading much recently...but...I read a lot of manga; Hellsing (not Van Helsing), Priest, Sword of Darkness, etc. I also have read the first three halo books and am working on the forth. The Noble Dead series also The Vampire Earth series and a few others.


My childrens pastor from way back in the day. He was so...energetic and so on fire for God. That man was amazing. He inspired me so much, and he also got me stung by a hornet while we tried to go fishing, hehe, it was fun (but it hurt like...well, like getting stung by a hornet under the eye).

My Blog


AAURGH!!!!! FUCKS!!!!! SON OF A BITCH!!!!!  ahh...no, still don't feel much better, but that was fun...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:46:00 PST


Life blows.  I need a new/another job.  If you haven't already, go read my story "The Void Full of Memories" its awesome.  I think.  Its not done though.  Its three parts.&nbs...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 06:20:00 PST

Conspiring Fates

The fates conspire against meThey leave me here alone.That which drive me no longer drives.That which hailed me no longer hails.The fates, they hate me.The fates have damned me.The plot to have me rot...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 12:44:00 PST

A New Poem

So I got a new poem up on my tokyopop blog.  Not sure what I think about it, but go read it and let me know what you think.  Its called 'The End.'
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:58:00 PST

New Story and Poem

For those of you that are interested, I have posted a new storie in the fiction section of my tokyopop profile.  I also posted a new poem the other day in the blog section of my tokyopop.  Y...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 09:27:00 PST

New post

Just for those who are interested, I have a new story post up.  If you want to read it go to:    www.tokyopop.com/l33tm4s73rj03yIt is in my fiction section under Unlimited Power....
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:36:00 PST

The stories and musings of L33T M4S73R J03Y

So, I have posted a new story, or rather, the beginning of a new story.  But, as you see, it is not here.  You might be asking yourself why, well, it is because I will no longer be posting m...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 06:36:00 PST

So I decidted to blog again...

Only this time its a pointless blog (as if the other had much of a point either).  I want to start writing again.  I like to write, so why is it that I am so lazy about it?  I need to f...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:55:00 PST

This page was edited by dumbassmyspaceeditor

I want to update and change my page layout.  But I don't want to take the time to do it.  That is, if I had to time to devote to it.  And yes, I know I can go to 'myspacelayouts' or 'pi...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:53:00 PST


So, for the first time in 20 years (my life) I no longer live in my house, nor do I live in Sutter.  I now live in Yuba City a mere 3 minutes (depending of traffic) from my job at GameCrazy, hoor...
Posted by L33T M4S73R J03Y on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 06:56:00 PST