ICBCsucks profile picture


About Me

WE'RE MAKING FRIENDS AT A RATE OF 1 PER HOUR! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!We're a small group of people in BC who are tired of the way ICBC treats 'customers'.We have heard horror stories from people with damage to their vehicles, their bodies, and their wallets. The running theme to these stories is that while insurance companies can be difficult, ICBC seems to go a step further: most people we have spoken to feel that ICBC has been (and we quote them): "rude" "underhanded" "legalized extortion" "incredibly unfair" "a joke of an excuse for a government business" "poorly run" and "out to get as much $ from people as they can, honestly or not".Complaining to ICBC is futile.However, we hope that by presenting this page as a venue, people will feel free to post their interactions with ICBC. Once we have enough "horror stories", we will forward them to the government as part of a movement to disband ICBC, or at the very least install a choice in insurance agents.We're living in Canada: ICBC is more like a police state.Post your stories here. If you're not comfortable leaving your story as a post, you can email them to us here on myspace. We'll remove your name and repost them as a blog (you can pick a fancy pseudonym if you like!).Join us!Invite your friends!!We just started this, but we know one thing: people change things. Let's change this, one story at a time!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in divesting ICBC of it's power and money-hungry attitude.

My Blog

Nuthin’ says ’sorry’ like screwing someone over

Multi-part blog today.....First, sorry about the long absence! We got called out of town and some things take far longer than planned. Thanks for sticking in there and continuing to send stories.Secon...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:13:00 GMT

Which part of F**cked isn’t clear?

Hey.Good to have a place to post this.I moved from Ontario. You know. The place thats not perfect but you can still choose insurance. Whatever.Moved here. Victoria. No crime. No nothing. Car rates we...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 02:34:00 GMT

Car’s’s the faith in the system....

Hey all,First story below.....the writer preferred to remain private, but here's the tale of woe!-------------------------Hi ICBCsucks,I have a story for you....My boyfriend - age 34 with a perfectly ...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 00:31:00 GMT