Word Models was established in 2006 and is evolving into a cutting-edge fashion agency it is today. Word represents many top models, both boys and girls, and numbers amongst its clients the most prestigious names in the world of fashion. Word founder, Lance Hunte was joined on the Board by Rico Morris, Jerome Williams & Jerome Songui and together they have developed an organization which meets the exacting demands of the global model industry whilst affording its models not only essential career management but also more general help and guidance when needed. In a brash, exuberant and fiercely competitive environment, Word offers efficiency and professionalism with a dash of civility. We take ourselves very seriously indeed – but only when it comes to business. Checkout our website – we aspired to an elegant simplicity. If you aspiring towards a career in modelling you should email us from the contacts page with details of age and height, with attached headshot and one full-length of your self. We shall be looking forward to hearing from you.BestLance Hunte