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About Me

Want to see Lucy Lombardo?
..Hey. . I'm Lucy ^ As you may already guessed ^ = ]
I am kinda wacky i guess and thats kindly putting it lol. But hey i love my wierdness =]. Come on who would want to be just plain normal and ordinary, Ewww, Zzzz Snore. But any ways I love , art, music, women, photography. < That there is all i need = ] O actually well appart from alcohol, O and food, Ok i do need quite a lot of things I am quite high maintenance, Its like a explosion in boots in my room lol. O and i strangly enjoy brushing my teeth =] BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH. 'Apparently' i have an IQ of 137?
Lucy Likes
-Tattoos -Art -Big hair -Hair spray -Vintage t shirts -Photography -Memories -Photoshop -Starbucks -The only sexy man, Jack Daniels -Nerds/Geeks -Ebay -Haircuts -Sweets :] -Cherry Coke -Pretty smiles -Hopeless romantics -Hugs -Eyes -Eyeliner -Unique senses of humour -Mouthwash -Originality -Slightly insane people -The cold side of the pillow -Topshop/Topman -Travelling -Cultures -New Trainers -Unique style -Wacky socks/underwear -Acting mentally unhinged -Really cute people with such good manners you just want to hug them! -Those of you who will stand by me through anything <3 -Laughing till I cry/my tummy hurts -My liitle brother <3 -NME -Conversations about the randomest crap ever :] -Trying new things -The smell of petrol LOL! -Green skittles/starburst
Lucy Dislikes
Homophopia/Racists -Closed minded people -Boring people/situations -Crap Hair -Copy cats -Hopelessly pathetic people the world would just do better without! -Losing contact with people/Missing people -Smelly people, just wear deodrant! -Remembering *cringe* moments! -Rollacosters, Deep water, Moths/Birds -Being messed around -Waiting for a bus/waiting in general -Rain on a good hair day -Feet...they freak me out!
I'm a right geek and you know you love it = ] lol, love fiction/fastasy films getting my specs on and getting right into them with my popcorn Ahahahahaha. Like my comedy and other stuff too though. Few faves are:
Interview with a vampire, Queen of the damned, Harry Potter, Narnia, Van Helsing, Losr and Delerious, Butterfly Effect, E.T, Soul Plane, G.I.A, American Pie, Scary Movie, House of Flying Daggers, White Chicks, Cruel Intentions.
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