Hey :) I thought I'd atleast give this a wee go. I'm Ian and I live in Ayrshire (which is a very scary place btw !) I'm a jack of all trades, ace of none geek/'goth'/mosher/whateverelsecomestomind. I love all kinds of music from folk to electro EBM - goth, death metal and lots of cheesy 80's..
I'm falling back into the 80's I think... it all started with music, then tv shows... then cartoons... nothing beats watching the oldies you remember from your childhood (the era before the power rangers and tellie tubbies *shudders*)
I'm a great big Nintendo fan, as you may have already guessed by my profile pic - I love Boo !, shy little guy with a dark psyche. I'd suggest my personality was quite similar to his cute, yet somewhat evil self... but I wouldnt like to give people the wrong impression ! evil ??? noooo just very mischievous :D The Legend of Zelda and its sequels would be my favourite all time game, I'd buy a console just to play that alone.
Outside of the virtual realm I read books, usually of the fantasy/sci-fi genre. I love politics and history, especially of the Celtic and medieval-regency era. Stereotypically of a 'goth', I love castles, dark places - and the grotesque.. I do try to be sweet, kind and understanding.. but I admittedly have a streak of sarcasm that shows its face from time to time. I'm a flawed jewel:D
So there you go :D the man behind the boo. just like boo I'm extremely shy.. I do know what a digital camera/scanner is.. but I'm a very big fan of judging the cover of a book after reading the prologue. If you wanted to talk to me simply because of how I looked, then I guess you weren't interesting enough for me to talk to you in the first place. I guess I could send a pic if you've perked my curiosity... but you'd have to pry it from my cold cadaverous hands :P
I'm seriously not a big fan of shallow or vain people... but I guess we all have our own definitions of where that boundary is drawn. I'm the philosopher.... that thinks too much.
I'm always up for a chat :) so if I haven't bored you to sleep and your still with me here send me a msg !.
wooot ! filled in and its only taken me how long? !!