DyzZi BeatZ profile picture

DyzZi BeatZ

About Me

I started messing with FL v5 when i was in middle school with no understanding of anything. Little by little i started hanging with kids who knew what they were doing with any FL aplication, any MPC's any keyboards anything that could make music. With the knowledge i gained from everyone who taught me,i stared out using a Miko keyboard set that a relative of mine had at the time. WIth that i was able to fully understand arpegiators, refrence scales, and quantiziations. Once that i had the knowledge, i was set with using the best eqiupment that i could get, but i decided to use the program that i first started with....FL. y then the version of FL that was out was 7 and 8, so i bought both. I also but a Akai MPC 4000, and a shitty little key set.(gotta stay humble lol).. that sums it all up in a way you can read it and not get board of reading it.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/10/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Me!
Influences: Musicly-no one really, i make melodys that are intriging to me only sometimes hahaPersonally-Kids that know what they are doing and set themselves to be the best at it..always
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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