Noise Auction Concert Suthers Ohio
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Whats up, i'm keith. I used to be the worlds biggest partier. then i got engaged and i saw what the rest of the world does and i really liked it. then i caught her in bed with another guy. now i really do not know what i want out of life. i have a great family, great friends, a great job, and some really fun toys. i love turning my car's radio as loud as it goes and sing as loud as i can to my favorites like noise auction, bobaflex, godsmack, disturbed. i am one bad ass air drummer. in the summer i turn my air conditioning on really cold so i can wear a hoodie around, in the winter, i crank the heat up so i can always go to bed under a quilt my mom made me. i tend to speed in the rain becuase i think its funny to watch a cop stand there giving me a ticket with that dumb bag on his hat. i used to ride motorcycle stunts and i had a big huge trailer and we went all over the place doing that, but i sold it to get the ex a house, now that i am single i wish i still did motorcycle stunts. on sundays i love to watch football, when the game gets boring i go on my front porch and yell at people with my bullhorn. i firmly believe that everybody should have a bullhorn, they are only like $30 and you can hear them for a mile! oh, and i dream of having a fleet of flat black old chevys.and if anybody wants to get ahold of me here is a few ways to do it:aol im bucksnortstunter
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