okie well now that i have been on myspace.com for ever n a decade- i guess if i must, i'll actaully put some damned information about myself in my kinky profile. yea.
Im motivated on pure disquisitive tendencies, altho i seldom resolute to finish damn near anything! i dont stress and i loathe boreddamn so i muse with sardonic humour and an immeasurable thirst for the common folk's everyday spectacles "le rigmarole est incessante"; which are quite the combination if you are so inclined... but thats all just universal generic fixations, so to seem, or maybe my analytics are becoming a bit too dillusional- anyhow- this right here completely shows that i spend entirely way too much time with myself and am in dire need of some playdates to scheme tricks with!! drama whores need not apply.
INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population. Free Jung Word Choice Test (similar to MBTI)
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INTJ: The MASTER MIND (less than 1% of the population): Very self-confident and aware; authority based on rank or title carries no force; prepare well for alternatives; capable leaders, but not eager to command; thorough-going pragmatists; see reality as a chess board for working out and refining their strategies; not impressed with "show" and seek practical solutions; will adopt ideas only if they are useful; strong-willed; make decisions easily; keep an eye out on the long term consequences; stimulated by encountering difficulties; are more interested in moving an organization forward than dwelling on past mistakes; focus tightly on their own pursuits; are cost-effective; high-achievers in school; dispassionate and unemotional in their personal interfaces.