I luuuuuuuuurve music. It's my life, it really is. And I also like football and friends. Hihi, o and writing silly stories, I seem to be pretty good at that actually.
I'm into loads of different kinds of music. Everything from pop to rock really and jazz and classique (not everything, but some things are quite cool. I like, for example Antonio Vivaldi) My fave bands are (hang on, this might take a while): McFly (hands down, realy they're the best) Greenday, Queen, Dire Straits, Beatles, those three got me into music really, Koopa, New Found Glory (I recently discovered them on Myspace and they're very cool) Busted (well not anymore, but I still like their music) Di-rect (Dutch band), Simple Plan (yes, they rock),My Chemical Romance, Yellowcard, New Found Glory, All American Rejects and I guess that were most of them.
I got many heroes. But 'specially McFly and Busted for getting me into guitarplaying (I wanted to play before but kinda forgot about it) My parents for teaching me everything I know and feeding me and all those things you think are normal, but they work hard for me. My friends, for always being there for me and well...that's it I guess