art, printmaking, ceramics,(esp firing kilns) food, going out for dinner, reading, music, dancing, concerts, shopping for tacky stuff.. the list goes on
I met Jade from AFI in Toronto, so that just leaves Davey for now
Little Miss Sunshine, Winter Passing, Stranger than Fiction, Capote, Fido, Snatch, The Lives of Others, Angel-a, i know its cliche, but Donnie Darko, Magnolia, Office Space, The Starwars movies, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Tommy Boy, All of the Spiderman movies, Murder Party, Shark VS Eagle
Shark on Sunday nights, the sabres games (i hope they start winning again sometime soon)
The Alchemist, The Giver, Brave New World, 1984, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Nickel and Dimed, Flowers for Algernon, In Cold Blood, The Grapes of Wrath, The Green Mile,Breakfast at Tifffany's, random works of philosophy by Socrates & Aristotle, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, A Walk to Remember, The Haunting of Hill House
My friend Kevin Williams for giving me advice that keeps on giving, Carl Yohan Strauss for bringing my spare key to school when ive locked the other set in my car