My name is Ryan. I am 21. I love football, basketball and mustangs.I have a beautiful four year old daughter named Madyson and a 8 handsome week old son named Parker.She looks alot like very excited to see what the future brings for her and I. I drive a 95 mustang GT (red)...I love anyone that wants to race..hit me up (accord8788 ..I have a pit named nevaeh..she's purple ribbon ukc ....but anyways...I am currently tryin to get my electrical licence b/c its sumptin i want to do and it will provide a good living for my wife and family sumday.....I currently am dating a blond bomb shell named michelle....she's great..she's everything i look for in a girl, i mean to a Tee....i hope she'll keep me...I really like her alot but anuff Dr Phil stuff.....n e ways.I punted and place kicked for the back to back state championship teams and the state runner-up team from the school up on the hill--FULTON-- holla out to all my hard knox boys (Justin-Sammy-Cory-Chase-Mike-Jimmy) the baddest muther
[email protected] on the planet......RIP to all my fallin friends that left the race track here on earth to race on the track in the sky.............Gregory Palmer 1987-2004
.......Sean Smith 1986-2005
.......Allen Ward 1987-2006
.......Nick McMillan 1986-2006
.......Josh McMillan 1989-2006
.......Jessica Jones 1988-2006
.......Mandy Harrell 1988-2006
..........RIP guys....keep our seats warm
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