love is so important.
so important that im making this my "about me" instead of a blog.
when you think about making the world a better place what do you think about? ending world hunger? solving the issues of world peace? rallying for environmental change? sure, maybe, i think about that too. but thats so much to swallow.
dont you think it would just be better if you tried to be consumed with love. and compassion. and kindness. so much so that you gave it to everyone you met. strangers on the street, family, friends, co-workers. everyone. i dont really think that people know how to love anymore.
unconditional love. thats what im talking about here.
people dont love their families, the people that you should be loving the most, the ones that will be there no matter what...your true blood, they way they should. we need to be forgiving of actions and words, understanding in times of need.and simply just showing as much love and compassion as we possibly can.
eliminating all negativity from your mind and actions. being consumed with that instead of the clothes we are wearing and the jobs that we have and the money we have and the possesioins we own and all the other things that, in my mind, pale so much in comparison to pure love.
i dont know...maybe i have it wrong, but i just feel that so much can be solved if more people took on this mentality.
"do small things with great love"
~Mother Teresa