Literature of most shapes and sizes (excluding self-help books and strangely autobiographies, I think people just don't write enough of the juicy dirt about themselves.)Movies, video games and dare I say it Magic cards.
People of the Yakima Valley and people I've known in Seattle.
After 2 years of constant musical bombardment at work I've managed to acquire a bit of a taste for country music and oldies. Although I mostly still listen to 80-90s rock.
The last great movie I watched was Stranger Than Fiction, I always knew Will Ferrel could pull off a serious roll if he chose. I like watching Scifi, some more obscure titles (pi, requiem, momento) and animated movies for all ages (Shrek, Cars).
My TV is currently for movies and videogames.
I just finished Kim by Rudyard Kippling (he wrote the Jungle Book), it's really great when an author can weave an excellent story while writing a historically and culturally informative novel. Actually I finished this some time ago but I never update my myspace profile. Wait, I just did. Wait. Ack!
Ann Rand, a bit nuts but hey at least she tried.