My old "Mortal" life is gone now. I am now the TRUE God of WAR. I am the harvester of life, I am the destroyer of worlds, I am the bringer of death, I am the taker of souls, I am the Warrior's God, Protecter, benefactor. Pray to me in Battle and I will be there to fight along your side and we shall always be victorious.
This is the Prayer to call me.
Gods of war I call You. My sword is by my side.
I seek a life of honor, free from all false pride.
I will crack the whip with a bold mighty hail.
Cover me with death if I should ever fail.
Pray this and I will always answer.
Background: Jake’s father (Elias Woods) married his mother (Jun Hun Chun) while he lived in South Korea. After 3 fruitless years of trying to conceive a child, they decided to adopt a child. The child they adopted was a sweet little angel of a baby (what the hell happened to him? LOL.) His father decided to name him after his great grand father, and thus we now have Jacob Ajax Woods. Since his father was a grand master in both Hwrang-do and Moo Gi Gong martial arts he decided to start Jake’s training in both martial arts shortly after the age of four. Jake was a great and a very fast learner, (thanks to his Very High IQ).
When Jake turned 10 he saw some guys riding skateboards and asked if he could try one out, he was a natural on skateboards. He then bought his own board and tricked it out with custom trucks, wheels and rails, but still it was no faster than anyone else’s board. And if he wanted to be the best and stand out he’d have to be better and faster than anyone else, his martial arts training gave him a big advantage on a board after all the primary focuses of martial arts is balance, low center of gravity, strength, and agility. He started to brain storm an idea, what if the wheels had zero friction. Friction slows a boarder down and even the best axle lubricants break down. But what if the wheel rode on a cushion of electro-magnetic energy. No contact and no friction so he worked hard got a sponsor and told the sponsor rep about his idea. The guy loved it and could see huge dollar signs floating in front of his eyes. Well Jake went to a local patent office and applied and received a patent for the bearingless wheel. Or the speed wheel as he called it so he tinkered and eventually built a prototype.
The board has high powered rechargeable batteries mounted in skeletonized aircraft aluminum frame with a carbon fiber panels (yes the basic prototype was expensive) with power leads mounted through parts of the frame to the trucks. The wheels which mounted on the trucks in a fully sealed housing with the truck axle running thru the wheel and then bolted down over a set of washers to hold the outside of the wheels in place. The aluminum frame also serves as an antenna to pick up signals from the control glove. A pressure switch is mounted inside the palm of the control glove and as you squeeze your fist tighter it slowly changes the polarity on the electro-magnets from a north to north which repels, to a north to south which attracts. Built in brakes. As you release pressure it reverses to a north to north polarity, frictionless wheels, and it made him VERY wealthy, and his sponsors very wealthy too.
Then on March 6th 2000 the dark day came on his home world, and he went thru his becoming. Jake was 17. And this event altered his life forever. Somewhere deep inside he knew he was different from everyone else now he understood why. Jake was a HUGE fan of Japanese Anime especially the Macross series, of which Macross II was his all time fave, he even had all the palladium books RPG Macross II books. And always loved mecha, especially the technology that went into all the moving parts and how every bit of tech in the robots worked like a ballet or a symphony, everything in perfect unison and timing, to produce movement, much like the human body moved. So imagine his surprise when he went thru the “Becoming†and turned into a mech. He was thrilled! Then the screams started.
Jake jumped thru his window and dropped 5 stories to an alley below. From there he saw the Hounds and other minions of the Nightlords attacking people killing some where they stood and spearing others as they ran, Jake charged the nearest hound and tore it apart with his bare hands. He picked up it’s dark spear and fell back on his Moo Gi Gong training and attacked the other hounds killing all 10 of them getting wounded several times in the process. He found out about how fast nightbane heal because of the wounds and he was surprised. So after he rescued the civvies and they ran because of his Horror factor, he forced his façade back and kept flipping between his two forms to learn how to master it. Several months later he had found other like minded bane that wanted to fight and formed a small faction…The Dark Knights. This group went around actively hunting minions of the nightlords and in a concentrated effort managed to kill four Night princes and even a Minor Night lord.
Then it happened, one day some weird old man showed up and called Jake by name and told him that he owed Jake for something that Jake hadn’t done yet but the old man was a 25th level Techno-wizard and he gave jake three gifts one a TW watch the ran off 1 PPE point a day that had 12 dimensional Pockets in it and was trans-dimensional inside stored a vast super computer and a vast array of tech features like calibrating it’s self to any dimensions time and date hacking into any cellular net and setting up a free account and allow dialing and communication thru a 3d holographic interface. The next gift he gave Jake was a 12 ga. Gatling auto shotgun with a massive 2400 round magazine (not that he ever uses it). The last Was Jakes Favorite! The Grav-board. This was truly Cool toy It reacts by counter the gravetic pull and accelerates riding either the magnetosphere or the gravity. It exerts .012 g’s relative to the gravity to the host plane it’s on like on earth it exerts 1.012 g’s on the user allowing him to stay on at any angle ever upside down.
Shortly after this Jake got sucked thru a rift and went to another world where the dark day happened again a few days later there he spent a few years there learning to be a Gizmoteer to fully maximize his tinker skills and he got really good at it after being ther for 30 years he got pulled thru a rift into another world where a few night bane were used as secret agents by the US government. He was trained and a free lance operative the Deep cover was always working for the US. He spent 15 years there working HARD for the US Government and managed to foil many plots and dispose of many threats. Then came the next jump to yet another dimension this one torn by global civil war, he got a crash course in soldiering and guerilla combat and brush fighting. He was there for 50 years fighting, and finally he got pulled out of that world and thrown to various other dimensions and times for the next 32 years till he got rifted here.
Now his journey begins here. A new world and an Old war, that begins again.
There are reasons why I'm called the GOD SLAYER, No god can stop me or slow me down, I'm faster stonger, more agile, well Simplly cooler.
“You will never beat me,
‘Cause I’m the best that
ever was and ever will be.â€